Packing Day

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Narrator:(So everyone is going to sleep at the old house for two days, everyone agreed to go, but no one knows that everyone is going to be there except for DC and Chris, DC and Chris really hope they plan works and they won't be fighting or anything, let's skip to Saturday morning.)

Airi Pov~
So I had been woken up by my alarm. I forgot I had set it 8:30 because I had to pack my bags for tonight and tomorrow night. I have been lazy this week I haven't been feeling well either but I don't know what's wrong with me. But it's alright I'll just stop at Walmart and get some medicine or something . I know ya wondering where tray? Well this nigga wanna go to his house and SLEEP THERE because "he needs to pack ". After he "finished" he was supposed to come back and we was supposed to cuddle, BUT NO this nigga wanna fall asleep and shit.Do ya know how upset I was but it's okay because I'm seeing this nigga later on because he is supposed to be picking me up later so we can go to the old house together. It's okay though because when he come pick me up he better have that same energy. But ima just pack real quick and go to Walmart and get some medicine and also go to Wendy's or Popeyes, I haven't made my mind up right now.But let me pack some cute clothes because even though I'm mad at tray right now it would be fun to tease him ,(if you know what mean).I had packed extra clothes just in case if I wanted to stay a lil longer.
After I was done coming back from Walmart and Wendy's I went inside my house and I was chilling watching Netflix and it was about 1:00 so I decided to put on the clothes that I'm wearing to the old house. I was wearing black tights and t-shirt and my slides with socks I ain't really do my makeup, because we not going no where.I had took out my bundles yesterday so I just put my natural hair in a messy bun. I really did not care of how I looked my nails were off and all 😂. When I was done packing it was 1:30 so I decided to grab my stuff and wait outside, I am not calling tray nun of that because I'm still upset. 5 minutes later tray pulled up and I just put my stuff in the back seat and I just sat in the passenger seat not saying anything.

Tray pov~
I know Airi is upset at me because I left her to go "pack my clothes" when that wasn't even the case, I didn't even start packing my clothes. The real reason why I left was because my jeweler texted me and told me her necklace was done and it was time for me to go pick it up. When I went to go pick it up I just stared at it, it was so beautiful it says "AIRIMFBILLS". I am planning on giving it to her in the night time, because I know when I pick her up she is going to have an attitude and act like a baby. So hopefully while we are helping gilly hopefully she will loosen up. But I'm just scrolling through Instagram and seeing the fan pages make edits of me. But it's currently 9:30 dang I really have been on this app for to long, I woke up at 8:05. Let me just start packing, I'm debating on should I pack extra clothes knowing me I always wanna stay an extra night.Let me just pack extra clothes. By the time I was done packing it was 10:00am, I told Airi I was going to pick her up at 1:30 because she lives and 30 minutes away from the old house. By the time we get there it should be like 2:30because traffic is going to be crazy at this time.
After I was done packing my clothes I did my hygiene and I decided to put on my black shorts with my black shirt and my Gucci slides, I don't think I have to be looking all cute because all we doing is helping gilly and he might put us to work but who knows. When I looked at the time it was 1:15 and I just hopped in my whip and when I pulled up she ain't even say hi she just put her stuff in the back seats and just sat in the passenger seat. She didn't even look at me
"Hey beautiful" I said trying to touch her thigh but she moved me.
"Listen I know you are upset but you at least say hey" I said pulling off
We were almost there and she still didn't say anything to me, she didn't even look at me all she was doing was starring out the window,I'm surprised because she wasn't even on her phone.
We pulled up to the house, She was still sitting there,
"Listen I know your really mad at me but we still gotta help gilly together, what do you want me to do to make it up to you" I said
She just stared in my eyes and she just leaned in and we started tongue kissing. It became more passionate but then she pulled away
"We can finish this tonight, let's help gilly" she had smirking getting out the car.
I winked and got out the car and grabbed our bags and we saw a note "GO STRAIGHT TO THE FAMILY ROOM" posted on the door.So we did as told and we saw-

Nique pov~
I has been woken up by a face time call from king
"Yeah bae what do you want?" I said still sounding sleep
"Listen get up its 10:00 and you still haven't packed and ya mom called me because she said she was ringing the bell and no one is answering, and you are not answering your phone like wtf you dreaming about the baby momma crew" he said joke fully.
I told her I had kaiser,so get up and open the door for your momma now because she had been out there for about 15 going on 20 minutes.
I got up and I had open the door for my momma she cane in the door rolling her eyes.
"Why you so upset" I said giggling
"Gurllll you know why I'm upset"she said slapping the back of my head
Alright well I'm going in the room to pack my clothes and can you please make me breakfast" I said whining
"This yo house you should be cooking me something" she said
"Please because it is going to take me a long time and by the time I'm finish it is probably going to be time for me to leave"
"Alright what u want" she said
"Waffles and bacon" I said with a big grin on my face
"Everything is either in the refrigerator, cabinets, or dishwasher" I walking into my room.
I hate packing clothes I don't know why I just dont like it I could be packing and then the next minute I'll start to just stare at the wall then it becomes to the point where I'll go back to sleep then I get up. Normally I pack 3 days ahead,but I have been just so lazy. Let me get started.....
30 minutes later
So I have packed 1 pair of clothes, this is so bad🤣.
I did not care about my clothes at this point your girl is HUNGRY. As I was eating king walked in the door with kaiser.
"HEYY KING" my mom said going to give him a hug
"HEY GRANDMAS BABY" she said picking kaiser up out of his car seat and kissing him.
"Heyyy" king said back to my mom
"Bae you done packing we leaving in 1 hour and in that hour knowing you, you're going to do ya makeup and ya hair" king said rolling his eyes
"Nah I ain't done packing " I said smirking
"Don't rush me" I said
In that 1 hour later..
After I was done eating and packing I decided that I wasn't really going to do my makeup and I wasn't going to wear a wig either, so I just but on my hat and put my hair in a slick ponytail. I wore gray sweats my yeezys and a gray t-shirt. I was comfortable as hell,I am so comfortable I could fight a bitch with no hesitation 😂.

Hey guys omg, I haven't uploaded in for so long but trairi is official ( I cried watching the live) anyways I had a whole week off school and I have been lazy but I don't have school tomorrow either so I'll post tmr
Luv y'all ~

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