chapter two

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"How do you know I live here?" you widened your eyes as Siwon dragged you to a paragon of apartment complex, separated to four buildings and each building was painted with dark grey hue. You peered to the bodyguard's stall at the entrance gate, hoping that they would be there; so that you could ask for help.

"I live here," Siwon answered, raising one of his eyebrows. He never thought that you would be living in the same apartment complex with him though you could be living in a different building. Even if you live in different building, it should be impossible that you never saw each other.

"How long have you lived here?" You asked, just as confused as Siwon was.

"I have lived here since two years ago," Siwon replied informatively while dragging you to enter the apartment complex. He waved with a polite smile towards the security guard, which the guard returned immediately. No wonder that he saw you near the corner to the café; you were living there too.

"I see, I have just moved here five months ago." You sighed, giving up on your futile effort to snatch your arm off his grip. Siwon's grip on you was surprisingly strong despite feeling like he did not even harshly grip you. He was being gentle, not to hurt you in anyway and scare you in the process.

"Which building?" Siwon asked.

"...this building."

He was stopping in front of his apartment's building and his mouth went gaping when you mentioned you lived in the same building. He was puzzled and even amazed of the fact that you two never even brushed each other's shoulders while living in the same complex and building. In addition, you moved there five months ago-he should have noticed you by now.

"I can't believe this. Then, which level is your room?" Siwon asked, fixing his grips on your wrist when some people eyed him as if he was kidnapping you. He nodded politely at the passer-by, pulling down his black mask to show his polite smile. They returned his smile awkwardly and faced away as it was not their problem to fuss over him.

"The highest level, the 25th level," you answered mindlessly, was going along with his antics. By that moment, you were standing in the lift with him-staring at the level buttons. He had pushed the '20' button so he probably decided to go to his room instead of yours.

"You live in the penthouse of this apartment?" he exclaimed, a bit shocked to hear that you were the mysterious person who moved in to the empty penthouse five level above his room. Even though his apartment room was built with kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms-the penthouse was in completely different level.

"I did not buy it using my own money though. It was inheritance from my father," you informed, getting used of people who get shocked by the fact you live in a penthouse. If it was not stated in your father's last will, you would not even step your feet there. You appreciated it because it was his way to show his love after not being able to show it in his whole life.

"Why would you apply work as a housekeeper then?" Siwon randomly yet curiously asked as you both walked out from the lift as soon as it reached the 20th floor. The corridor was dimly lit with tiny but elegant chandelier and the wallpaper that covered the corridor's wall was pastel indigo. You felt as if you were in another plane of existence.

"As someone who had lived her life alone, I am pretty sure I have the skill to be housekeeper," you replied with a spark of sarcasm. He did not answer you though, only a small grin adorned his attractive face. As soon as you both reached the last room at the end of the corridor, he tapped his passcode on the padlock of the room's door. Strangely, he did not bother to hide it from you. The passcode was somewhat in a form of date-perhaps his birthdate?

tantalize • writer! choi siwon x female! readerWhere stories live. Discover now