chapter three

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“In god’s name, I thought you would be some type of wise old man. Turns out you are, um, let’s say charismatic young man!” you exclaimed, your hands were on the either sides of your head doing the ‘mind-blown’ expression.

Siwon’s giggles filled the unwanted silence along the street you two were walking along; sweeping away the awkwardness that had been tickling at your throat. Your laughter complimented his, as if the world was only inhabited by the two of you at the moment. It was strange. Just two days ago, you two were strangers to each other.

“Appearance can deceive anyone, y’know. Just like you, I thought you were high schooler,” Siwon replied with a large smile, flashing his perfectly aligned teeth and his adorable dimples. You pouted at his reply, half-heartedly agreeing with it. Siwon shrugged his shoulders off with a teasing smile, tucking his hands into the pockets of his black coat.

“If I was a high schooler, I would not dare whipping your ero-book out in public,” you retorted.

“Oh, you’re one of a kind alright. I believe no one would whip erotic books out in public,” Siwon commented with a smirk, trying to get you. You rolled your eyes, so hard that you could barely see the back of your eyes’ sockets. As someone who wrote such good books, you never thought Choi Siwon would be a joker.

“If I was to whip out ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ then there is definitely something wrong with me. Your books only include romantic plus vanilla erotic scenes. I don’t think there should be a problem,” you responded absent-mindedly as your eyes trailed the shops’ signs above your head, they were obnoxious hot pink and indigo blue. You were trying to find the sign to the barbeque place.

“I think you forgot that I have that kind of book too—two trilogies titled ‘Black Tuxedo’ and ‘Sorry’.” The corner of his lips curved up deviously. He was not expecting that you would read those trilogies of his but who knew? You acted like you were an avid fan so it should be possible that you have read every book of his.

“Oh,” you breathed out, blood was rushing to your face as words you had read in the books were projected in your mind. The experience of reading the two trilogies was extremely hot, you must admit. It was as if the writer (which is Choi Siwon) experienced it all by himself, considering the fact that it was written in the male protagonist’s point of view.

‘Was it all based on his own experience?’ you thought as your gaze clashed with Siwon’s penetrating stare. There was prominent mischief behind his eyes, knowing that you had read things in the books. Which was on a whole other level of erotic, you should admit.

Your intrusive thought told you that if you turn your gaze away, you would lose. He had been pulling your legs, with that mischievous smile of his. That was probably why there had been a staring contest between the two of you, that night.

But then it was broken when Siwon suddenly blew air to your face, causing you to flinch back and frowned. Your face was that expression of disbelief and confusion as you tried to register what had just happened. Siwon’s satisfied chuckles filled the air, succeeded in teasing you.

“you-,” you stopped at your attempt to scold him. Your eyes fixed at a green sign above Siwon’s head and you said, “Oh, we’re here!”

“What do you mean here?” Siwon questioned, trying to get a clarification from you. All he saw was a blinding green sign above his head, a stair with no lighting and a closed shop in front of him. You nodded your head, grabbing at the edge of his jacket’s shoulder pad and led him to upstairs. He was very sceptical and started to think that you were a serial killer on loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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tantalize • writer! choi siwon x female! readerWhere stories live. Discover now