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        Mimzy loved her boys.

      Alastor was a right southern gentleman, always polite and civil even with those he despised.  Angel was a city slicker with a sharp tongue and a dandy fella to make a whoopee with. The two complimented each-other so well when they cooperated and well Mimzy didn't want to find out what would happen if they fought. The only problem she had with her boys was how neither of them seemed too keen on acknowledging their crushes. 

Now Mimzy considered herself a patient dame; one had to be when men wanted to patronize her every action and she was far from being a dumb dora. So watching her boys tiptoe around each-other and disregard their affections made her a special type of frustrated. Like now for example, Alastor stood behind his desk in the lobby Mimzy perched comfortably atop the top its smooth lacquered surface, the two were minding their own business until Angel stumbled in with Cherri on his side. The two chatted loudly about nonsense, their speech slurred and their gaze unfocused. Alastor watched the two carefully while continuing his conversation with the singer. When the two made their way upstairs to angels room Alastor called after them.

"I hope you remember the hotel policy on guests Angel Dust." Cherri seemed to find that statement rather amusing and Angel turned to us and blew a kiss.

" Don' worry bout it sweetie Cherri  s'just gonna stay the night you won't even notice she's here." With that the two sauntered upstairs, Angel tripped at the top; if Cherri's outburst of laughter was any thing to go off of. When the two made it to Angels room the door slammed closed locking with a quiet but audible click. Mimsy looked back at Alastor to find him staring up at the stairs.

"Ya know Alastor, hun it's rude not to look at someone when you're talking to them," she chided. The radio host snapped back into reality and a nervous smile replaced his grin.

"My sincerest apologies Mimsy my darling, I was simply making sure Angel understands the rules and didn't require any assistance." Alastor attempted to defend himself but Mimzy wasn't having any of that. The singer hopped up and stood on the counter in an attempt to tower over the other, she was successful by an ince or two.

"Alastor don't lie to me, you and I are gonna sort this out 'cus I wanna see ya put a pin on that sheik before ya lose him." she declared loudly, just as Rosie came into the lobby.

"Mimzy! Get down from there dear, you'll get hurt." Rosie remarked lifting the smaller woman off the reception desk and placing her on the lobby floor. The singers face flushed bright red and she began to pout.

"Now my dears, what's all the fuss about? Surely it must be significant if you believe it is necessary to stand upon tables" Rosie stated eying the two exspectantly. Mimzy fidgeted nervously under the other womans gaze before pointing a finger at Alastor accusingly

"Alastor won't make a move on Angel despite being stuck on the doll  like glue"Mimzy indicted. Rosie looked over to her companion only to find him attempting to hide his face in his hands. The woman walked over to Alastor cautiously and placed a hand on his arm.

"Alastor is this true, have you fallen for Angel dust?" Rosie questioned. Alastor made no moves to speak only faint radio static could be heard."Come on now darling please don't clam up on us," She coaxed gently. Alastor removed his hands and looked at the worried faces of his girls.

"To be quite honest my dears I don't even know what I feel for the lad" Alastor uttered. Mimzy squealed and took hold of one of Alastors hands.

"Then let us help ya figure it out I mean for starters Angelcakes is quite the looker" Mimzy proclaimed Rosie nodded in agreement.

"She has a point Angel is certainly quite lovely." Rosie affirmed locking her arm with Alastors free one and the three strode off.

(A/N: Sorry this one's so late alot was happening at school and I got caught up in my work. I know alot of you are enjoying this work of mine and I don't want to dissapoint. So I'll try to be more consistent.)

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