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Being a drag queen wasn't easy, the exaggerated make up, the outlandish yet beautiful outfits, the over the top preformances.

Being a Porn star wasn't easy, the runny make up, the kink costumes, the fetish preformances.

Being a stripper wasn't easy,  the cheap makup, the shitty costumes, the terible music.

All of it was too much for most normal people. I knew a girl who was struggling in classes and having a rough time making money; She would often make comments about dropping out to become a stripper or start doing porn as a backup plan. While yes, this is a good back up plan I often times found myself reminding her that those two professions aren't, Fucking, EASY!

To be a either of those things you had to be:
*Pretty; I'm not talking, "oh, she looks nice." I'm talkin', "Please step on me mommy!" Levels of pretty.

*Charismatic; you can't work it if your shy.

*Talented; being a stipper is Dancing, being a pornstar is Acting. Drag depends in the person.

*Athletic; have you ever tried hanging upside down by one leg while spinning and contorting your body and making sure you look sexy?

But you see Angel Dust was all of those thing and more. (the more being a general whore and local disappointment)

Angel did what he wanted, when he wanted; with whatever he wanted. Which often times resulted in him doing a lot on his own all of his wigs were styled to perfection by him.
All of his makeup was done by him in 10 minets no matter what kind of look it was.

Every single outfit costume and peice of clothing was either stolen, bought, tailored, or just straight up made by him and him alone. Sure he had people like Molly and Cherri give their opinions but he never let them touch anything he used for work. Sleepovers and girls nights were a different story but that's not the story were focused on so lets get back on topic.

Doing what Angel did required all of his effort most of the time, not to say he was a workaholic; no, he was lazy as shit. He simply took quite a bit of pride in his profession and the skill he acquired because of it.

Currently he sat infront of a maniqin in the the lounge of the hotel, all three sets of his hands were occupied with all manner of sewing equipment as he embroided patterns into the fabric carfully. Vaggie had stmbled across him earlier that day and watched in confustion as he tossed out an entire roll of floral print fabric infavor of sewing the design in himself. The demons who inhabited the hotel had steered clear of his curent work station for they had come to the group sensus that bothering Angel while he was in his "zone" wasn't worth the trouble. Unfortunately one inhabitant was unaware of this.

Angel flopped back onto a pile of fabric, electing to take a break from his little project. He pressed himself into the pile, letting out a yawn; he was exhausted and frying his brain with stress wasn't going to make his project get done any faster. He needed to distract himself lest he lose interest in the work completly and start procrastinating, lucky for him the perfect destraction came trotting threw the door at that moment. One lanky radio demon sans his jaket and sporting a less than agreeable mood if the width of his smile was any thing to go by.

Angel scrutinzed Alastor for a few good seconds befor reaching a hand out exspectantly. Alastor huffed and placed his jacket into Angels grasp. The spider inspected the coat with a detached sort of daze as if he hasn't just been given a task he would normally scoff at. Their was a sizable hole in the laple of Alastors jacket. Angel pulled a roll of red thread from his sewing box and threaded it with practiced ease while his other set of arms got to work on clearing his work space and taking notes on the measurements of the jacket; for future reference. Angel patched up the hole with little issue the stitch work was practiacally invisivle but he added a laple pin over top his handywork just incase and handed the jacket back to its owner.

Said owner draped the overcoat across the back of a chaur an took a seat next to angel upon the floor. Nudging his head agianst the spiders shoulder repeatedly.

"Use your words smiles I ain't a mind reader." Angel chimed, all he got was incoherent mumbling in return; Alastor was being stubborn. Well no matter Angel knew what the radio demon wanted. The spider uncrossed his legs and pulled the other into an embrace, his face flush with Angels fluff. Alastor melted in the hold, his posture losing some of it's more uncomfortable; rigid lines in the process. Angel huffed in amusment as Alastor nuzzled further into the comforting softness of Angels chest.

"Now was that so hard, Bambi?" Angel felt vibrations from Alastors muttered response on his fluff, the words muffled on his own accord. The display was almost laughably, adorable but Angel would keep that thought to himself as he returned to his work, unhindered by the clinging demon.

A/N: Hi! It's been a while huh? I'm sorry 'bout that y'all I just wanted to work on a few other projects, I haven't abandoned this though just takin my time with it. Now I hate to self-indorse so blatantly but if yall actuality want to like see me y'all go follow my tiktok: Heaven-Hussie

I do mostly cosplay from fandoms im not in anymore of you scroll far enough you'll see sime cringe you can hold against me. Anyway, see ya around!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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