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Angel was starting to regret getting up. Normally the spider demon would have slept in and gone out that night but he knew he was in no shape for another night on the town, if his splitting headache and ruined bathroom said anything. Cherri sat next to him in the kitchen clad in loose fitting crop top and red pullstring booty shorts. Angel had dawned his robe and shorts, the robe was half hazardly tied around his waist the cloth hanging off his sholder. He had his arms folded on top of the table, his head barried in them.

"Angel babe you doing good?" Cherrie asked, her voice low and quiet as to not make her friend's ailment worst. Angel cracked an eye open to glare at the spunky demon.

"If i didn't love you as much as I do I wouldda blipped ya." Angel growled. His voice muffled by his arms.

"I have no idea wha'chu mean but i get it, based on the ringing in my ears and all this-" Cherri gestured vaguely to all of the spider "- I think it's safe to say that last night had to be the best damn b-day." Cherri grinned. Angel let out a chuckle which quickly turned into another groan of pain.

" Shaddup and see if ya can find my bottle of hangover relief." Angel ordered, Cherri rolled her eye and started rooting through the cabinets only to find the red bottle of hangover reliever completely empty. Cherri let out a huff tossed the bottle over her shoulder, the cylinder shaped container bounced and rolled over to the kitchen entrance; coming into contact with a shoe and stopping it's tred. The shoes owner bent down plucking the bottle off the floor and reading the lable. The demon in question glanced up at the cutrent inhabitents of the kitchen.

"Angel need I inform you and Miss. Bomb hotel rules agian." Rosie said. She walked over to the oven and pulled out a tray of sweet rolls. Alastor, who had picked up the bottle followed suit; pulling a mug from out of the cabinet followed by a few miscellaneous ingredients. The deer demon mutterd measurements to himself while he mixed the concoction and Rosie hummed softly while icing the sweets.

"Nah, I was just 'bout to head out and sleep off the rest of this hangover I'll see you later junkie happy birth." Cherrie shouted as she darted out of the kitchen. Angel stood abruptly from his seat.

"I will fucking gut you tramp stamp!" Angel shouted back, he felt himself get dizzy. The sudden movement had made him light headed and he stumbled backwards into Alastor who held the spider demon close to him to keep him steady.

"Imma upchuck on ya shoes and go put a cap in my head." Angel hissed while attempting to pull away from Alastor, who hummed in acknowledgement and sat the other down at the table. He set a mug filled with warm tea down infront of Angel, an intresting scent walfted from the drink smelling strongly of honey and herbs. Angel glanced up and Alastor and raised his eyebrow in question.

"It's a hangover tonic it will help with that headache and nausea, i assure you; you'll be hitting on all sixes in no time." Alastor explained. Angel gave the radio host one last weary look before picking up the mug and taking a long sip of it's contents. Angel let out a sigh of relief as the throbbing in his skull ebbed away and the light's sopped making him cringe. With his health somewhat restored Angel happily downed the rest of the drink.

Rosie placed a small plate down infront of Angel, on it was a sweet roll. Angel thanked her and picked up the treat he took a bite, letting out a pleased hum. Rosie grinned and casted a knowing look to Alastor, who shooed her away with his hand embarrassed.

"Thanks for the pick me up Alastor but why are ya helpin me?" Angel asked licking icing off one of his fingers.

"I thought that having you 'upchuck on my shoes' would be rather unpleasant, so I figured I could try my hand at the remedies Rosie taught me." The deer explained. Angel choked in shock and started coughing harshly into one of his hands. Alastor reached over to rub Angels back only to have his hand smaked away.

" You tellin me you have never made somethin' like this before?" Angel asked.

Alastor nodded

"Yes, this is my first time." The pornstar stared at the other incredulously for a few moments. Then he covered his face with his hands and let out a defeated sigh.

"That's what she said."


(A/N: Happy Valentines day! Happy late birthday Angel my precious boi. I Hope you all like this particular installment of my oneshots. Also GlitchedIrken the one responsible for the lovely cover art has uploaded the first page of their Alastor X Angel Dust comic: Bond on DeviantArt, it's so good ya'll should check it out.)

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