guess who forgot to update?

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Ummm hi. Idrk what to talk about. Uhhhh im mega depressed but that's normal. Im pretty sure I'm failing one class rn but im also too mentally exhausted to care. Im a little worried about my mental health tbh. Yea imma be real with you chief, i aint doing too hot rn. Ironically my body is always cold. Like i could be sweating bullets and my skin will be cold to the touch. Oof Maybe its coming from my heart. Damn that was deep. (But not as deep as this-) dear Lord why am i doing this? seriously i don't remember. Hey i wore my frankie shirt today and it made me kinda sad but also really calm. Idk why sad like i wasn't actually sad it was more "calm and extremely void of emotion".

Oooooo ive got a substitute first period. Fun. We're not doing any actual work which is great. I love playing my violin but practice is tedious. Especially when your stand partner is fucking trash and thinks he's the shit. Oooooo i hate him. Oh i just yawned. But i don't wanna be tired. My throat hurts (from sucking too much d-) but Idk why. Oh im crying. This was a mistake. Lmao so was i. Actually i wasn't, i was planned tbh. Sometimes i miss my dad but i never even knew him. Tragic amiright. No? Kay, cool. Umm i wish i was closer to my fathers side but they'd be mad bc i ain't fluent in Spanish (shit im not even fluent in english fr fr). My heart is beating really hard for some reason and im bopping to it and crying. Wait- im dancing alone to the beat of my heart(HEY YOUNGBLOOD-)

Let's end this with a F.O.B reference cool see ya ✌

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