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This has been a great day. For anyone who remembers this book or still cares about it, i will try to update again more frequently. :)

Uhh lets see i did a shitty ass easter egg hunt with my gf and my family. I found one egg and she found none. We did great. Then i went to her house and chilled for a while. We sat on her roof and it starting raining slightly and it was really peaceful. Then we cuddled in her bed and she fell asleep on me lol. I watched YouTube by myself for a bit and then i had to leave. But we played some damn good bops on my way home. Im currently writing this in the bathroom bc my little brothers friend is staying over and this is the only quiet place in the house. Uhhhhh im hungry as shit and i should be tired bc I've been up since like 1am but im not. Im prolly gonna talk to my mom for a bit, get some food and sneak to my room to watch parks and rec and wait till my gf gets home so we can video chat.

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