Chinese food (fuck you)

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*valley girl voice* HeRe I aM cOmPoSiNg A bUrLeSqUe (i can do this perfectly irl im proud)

Im sorry its all ive been listening to all day

Oh and brain stew by green day for some reason

Ummmmm i went to the John F Kennedy Center today to see a show(it was great. I got pictures with the cast  too. Happy times. But then some annoying ass kids made me have an anxiety attack and i was angry for the rest of the trip.

When i got home i was so mentally exhausted all i could do was lay on my bed and (pretend to) look at my phone.

I fell asleep twice. And i was never really tired just depressed. I can normally sleep my depression off but not today it seems.


Also i still wanna cut again and the urge is getting stronger. I honestly was about to break up with my bf and shut everyone out so i could kill myself and not care about anyone else. I thought about it all day and i kinda still am thinking about it. Idk i prolly won't but um yea this has been in the back of my mind all day.


I wish i had stayed home.

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