yesterday was wild

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*insert title of chapter here* man so much crazy stuff happened yesterday.

Okay so my friends and i met up and we walked around barnes and noble for a bit bc we're such fuckin nerds then we went to see Spider-Man: into the spiderverse. After sitting through about 27 ads (prolly not even an exaggeration the movie was supposed to start at 4:20 and didnt start till like 5:15) the DBZ movie starts playing and we though it was another ad so we sat through like 10 mins of it. Then someone came out and was like this is the wrong movie, sorry. So while we wait for them to change it. My friends and I are on our phones and talking and shit. Then another movie starts so we get ready again. The movie starts and its really distorted and shaky (to the point where my best friend and I were shaking and dizzy) so we go ask for 3D glasses bc it looked like it was supposed to be 3D. We put them on and its still shaky. Another 10 mins later someone stops the movie and tells us its something wrong with the projector now and that we can get our refunds. I personally was really disappointed bc i really wanted to see Spider-Man and i could tell my boyfriend was really sad so i kissed him on the cheek and he lifted my face up and kissed me on the lips. (That was my first kiss btw, vv happy) then we go get our refunds. The whole time my heart is racing and my best friend is awwing her ass off.

Anyways we go over to the mall and where do we go first? Hot topic. My best friend is being a thot and trying on stupid stuff and im trying out hats and glasses with the other 2 (my bf had to leave before we got to the mall). I need pants so we go to rainbow and my best friend and i end up trying some leather jackets which looked fuckin amazing and i was gonna buy it but it was so expensive. I settled for a pair of jeans and a beanie. Next we go to spencers and i wanted this pair of fishnet stockings but it was right next to a bdsm teaser kit which I dont give a shit about i just want the fishnets. I start to go over there and this short old lady keeps staring at me the entire time so i walk past it and find my friend. After spencers i check H&M for a good pair of jeans and i found some for an amazing price but they were 3 sizes too small and i couldnt find a bigger size so i left and got Chick-fil-A. After Chick-fil-A we wandered around a bit, got pictures in a photo booth, look for jeans again and then we had to go.

I took one of my friends home and we found out that she live two Streets behind where I used to live back in like kindergarten and first grade so that was weird.

I get home talk to my best friend over video chat and I for some reason brought up where I went to kindergarten and she was like "wait I went there too whose class were you in" and apparently we were in the same kindergarten class.  she moved after kindergarten though and our paths didn't cross again until High School. Apparently we had a mutual friend in kindergarten too.

So yesterday was frickin wild.

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