Solitary Confinement

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Karma was shoved into a iron cell.( When i said shoved a mean he walked in)

"Nice place you got here." Karma jested.

"Shut up brat." The head solitary confinement guard was a old man called 'Reaper' and he doesn't like Karma- or another from Block 3 for that matter.

Again I'm lazy, so now it's night time 

"I know you can hear me Reaper." Karma shouted. "Come here." He heard faint stomping and it was getting louder- he's a fool. 

As soon as Reaper opened the cell door to tell Karma to 'shut his trap' he got kicked in the stomach but Karma caught him before he hit the floor- no noise that way. Checking him over Reaper was unconscious-" He's getting too old for this." Karma muttered as he set him down quietly. 

Karma then set out into the corridor- searching. . .

But for what?


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