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They were free. Out of the prison that held them for a year and a half. Out of the place that confined them. And into a place where they could do what they want when they want. And what would they do. . . Kill.

"Well, I would , you know, start our new life by trapping all the guards in the prison, how does that sound Nagisa?" Karma looked down at his best friend ( and lover but that's book 2) and smiled- a true smile not a smirk. He also 

10 mins later

"Done!" They both shouted at the same time, and them laughed- manically. ( they can't laugh any other way it seems)  Then smiled at each other- or smirked- whatever. "Let's Go- to freedom." And with that they walked away into The Sunset. . . With a building blowing up behind them. "Karma! Why did you do that?" Nagisa whined. A building blowing up behind them- killing any survivors of the massacre of the guards and unlucky prisoners. Maybe some will make it out?

Anyways back to walking out into the sunset. . .

. . . Wait! Weren't they on an island- in the middle of the ocean?


Bad ending i know but I didn't know how to end this. And with ideas for book 2 I  my brain already it was hard to write.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you reading book 2

Rouge13. . . 

. . . Help! What should led I call book two please comment- it's about the return of the duo into the crime/assassin world.

Thank you.

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