Prison Break

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Time: 03: 54 am 

Place: Block 3, Kunugigaoka Prison- the guard room

She blinked again. No, she must has been imagining the flicker on the screen of security camera 1. "Irina, your shifts over." Karasuma said as he walked into the room, sighing. She got up and went to the door, " Karasuma," she started. He looked at her expectantly. "Never mind." 

"Karma. Hurry up." Nagisa chided, as he held open the cell door from the block 3 cell into the corridor. "Coming. Nagi- Chan." He muttered, coming out of the cell, smirking. Nagisa face palmed. "What did you do?" Karma looked at him and laughed manically. "Shut up!" Nagisa screeched. ( quietly, of course) "I just knocked out the whole cell- they'ed all snitch on us anyways and now we don't have to worry about it." Karma said.

2 minutes later,

"Where's the Amoury- I need guns." Karma muttered, fist clenched. Nagisa just sighed and patted him lightly on the back. "Just two more corridors and then. . ." Suddenly the alarms went off and a loud voice could be heard from hidden speakers, "Prisoners 1 and 13 have escaped. Repeat, prisoners 1 and 13 have escaped." Loud, repetitive foot steps could be heard and the two inmates looked at each other- "Run!" They both whisper/ shouted at each other. They raced around the last corner and came face to face with a large iron door with i sign that read: Armoury.Nagisa sucked down and frantically started to hack the electric, fingerprint needing, high- tech lock. 

"Done." He cried and he punched the door open. Inside we're rows after rows of assorted  weaponry including Guns( Pistols, SMG etc.) ;Blades ( daggers, knifes, swords, katanas and weirdly enough- throughing stars) Karma grabbed two pistols and two daggers, as well as two bullet reloads ( What are they called? ) Nagisa grabbed one pistol and three daggers- blades were his specialty after all. 

I think there going to be around 3 more chapters of this? I am planning a book 2 though.


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