one week before

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A week before the call, I sat on the roof of my apartment building, letting my boots dangle over the side. The feeling of my feet hanging seven stories off the ground gave me a deliciously terrible tingle as I watched the sun slowly peek above the mountains on the horizon. Trinity found me up there and she stood behind me for a while before going back inside. She came back a few minutes later with two glasses of wine and she sat with me as the sun painted the sky a brilliant orange.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, Ness?" Trinity was in awe but her eyes darted to me, curiosity and worry in her gaze. She was always like this, following me around, giving me looks with those big blue eyes. Looks like she was trying to see inside my mind and figure out what made me tick.

I watched a bird glide overhead, its wings outstretched to the new day, and I felt the sudden urge to destroy it.

"It's something," I said and took a long drink. Trinity looked up at the sunrise again and sipped her wine. I thought I saw her eyes glimmering in the light of the sun like they were full of tears.

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