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Peter Parker could hardly contain himself within the day that he had to wait to get back to school. He wouldn't have been able to sleep had he not had an extracurricular activity that did wonders for helping him get some energy out.

Come Monday morning, Peter was nearly bursting with anticipation to see you at school again. May barely managed to get a pair of toast slices into his hand as he rushed out the door to catch his bus. It took her a few seconds after the door slammed to realize that her nephew had left fifteen minutes early.

Peter found himself in the hallway at Midtown High School (now on time instead of early, thanks to a cat that he'd had to get down from a tree as his alter-ego), searching frantically for his best friend.

"Ned, you will not believe what happened, on Saturday," Peter whispered as he caught up to his friend. "Did you hear about Delmar's getting robbed?"

Ned exchanged a handshake with Peter as he spoke. "Yeah, I heard. You were there to save the day, though, right?"

"Kind of. I was there at the very end. But listen, man, when I got there, I busted in through the back door and the first thing I saw was the robber pointing a gun at (Y/N)."

Ned cocked his head to the side. "Who?"

Peter blinked at him. "The girl who wouldn't join the decathlon team." Still receiving no affirmation from Ned, he pressed on. "We had a whole ordeal, last week. Flash and MJ looked like they'd been under some sort of spell. You thought she was an alien from Doctor Who."

Ned's face lit up in recognition. "I didn't say she was an alien, I said she was likeone," he clarified with a wag of his finger.

"Whatever, man. She was standing there- the thief had his gun on her, and you know what she did? She grabbed his hand, pointed the gun at the ceiling, and hit him over the side of the head with a ladle!"

Now Peter had Ned's attention. "No way!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening. "You have to be making this up."

"I swear on my life, dude. It was awesome!" He bounced on his feet with enthusiasm, a giant grin taking over his face.

Ned smirked. "You are getting way too excited about this."

"No, I'm not!" Peter denied, crossing his arms. "And dude, listen, I was looking at pretty much every news outlet ever this morning, and nobody's mentioned her. Hardly anyone even remembers the thief getting hit before I showed up!"

"I'm sure ladle-girl is slightly less notable than Spider-Man," Ned reasoned.

"(Y/N), Ned," Peter chided. "Her name is (Y/N). Try not to forget it, I'm still suspicious about her."

"Why would you be suspicious if she saved everyone at Delmar's?"

"Because, dude, right before she grabbed the gun, I could've sworn that the robber looked away for a split second. What kind of a criminal takes their eyes off a hostage for even a moment?" He ran a hand through his hair, the stress from the weekend returning as he tried to figure it out.

"Didn't the news say that he was high, at the time?" Ned asked.

"Well, yeah-"

Peter was interrupted both by the school bell and his best friend's following question:

"Do you have a crush on her, or something?"

Peter felt heat spread over the back of his neck and the tips of his ears. "What? Of course not!" he spluttered.

The blushing did not go unnoticed by Ned, who squinted slightly. "You seem a little obsessed, is all."

"I don't know anything about her, Ned, besides the fact that she doesn't want to join the decathlon team."

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