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You snuck in through the back door of the chemistry room as most of your classmates filed in, doing your best to remain unnoticed. On any other day, this would have been a fairly easy feat, but today was your first day out wearing the ring that Tony Stark had given you in order to neutralize your powers. That meant you couldn't even divert anyone's attention from you.

Fortunately, you weren't very noticeable as it was. Sure, you got the odd glance here and there from your fellow students, but nobody really paid you any mind. Everyone gave you about as much consideration as they'd give a chair or a locker.

Everyone except for Peter Parker.

Happy had driven you and Peter home yesterday, and while there was a lot less stress regarding your lack of control over your powers, there was still the lingering tension from all the hand-holding you and Peter had shared back in the lab. You were both fairly content to look at anything but each other for the duration of the ride. Once you'd arrived home, you'd tried to ignore Happy's smirk as Peter insisted on walking you to the front door of your apartment building.

So there you were, at the front of your complex as the sun began to set over the taller buildings of Queens. You stole a glimpse at Peter, who had shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and was now looking up at you with all the hope and affection in the world contained in his warm brown eyes.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow, right?" he stammered.

Great. One more expectation you had to fulfill, and it seemed more daunting than keeping up your 4.4 GPA or fighting crime around the city.

Being there for someone who wanted you there. Being wanted. You fought to control your breathing as you twisted your ring around on your finger. Regardless, you'd nodded before entering your building without a word.

Your daydreams ground to a halt as Peter strolled into class, and your heart sped up at the sight of him. Not because you were nervous (though you were always nervous), this didn't feel quite like that. This was like being on a swing set, and getting that tickle in your throat or your stomach when you started to go higher than you expected.

However, it was entirely panic-inducing when he looked up from talking with Ned to make eye contact with you.

You looked away, of course, but not immediately. For one moment, which felt like forever but was probably only half a second, you stared fully at him, his soft brown eyes, his strong jawline, his curly hair that you wouldn't mind threading your hands through...

You cleared your throat and stared downward, though you had nothing to stare at- no notebook or anything- because you never took notes. This didn't prevent Peter from beelining for you, as you witnessed from his sneakers bouncing across the floor of the classroom towards you.

"Hey," he greeted, leaning against your lab table. You could see his arms out of the corner of your eye- the arms that helped him swing across the city and take out bad guys, and you realized that all the long sleeved shirts and sweaters didn't do that good of a job at concealing his muscles. No one, you supposed, bothered to take notice of him for very long. In a way, you envied him for that.

You followed the path of his arms up to his shoulders and his face and- honest to goodness, he was smiling at you. You could feel your heart melting.

"Hi," you squeaked. Hadn't you just cleared your throat? Why did you sound like this?

His smile widened at your greeting. "So, uh, how are you doing?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "I mean, how do you feel? After everything at the compound, yesterday. I'm sorry if it was overwhelming."

Peter Parker x Reader Go-Away GreenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ