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Peter went back to class in a weird kind of haze. First off, he'd woken up, more or less, in an alley, dressed in his Spider-Man suit. With his mask partially off. And a random man he didn't recognize webbed to the ground.

He'd had to ask Karen who the man was; Reuben Holt, the leader of a human trafficking ring, the associates of whom Peter had taken out the day before. He vaguely remembered being on the ship, diving into the ocean for some unknown reason...

For the life of him, he couldn't remember how he'd managed to track this individual criminal down and capture him. Had he seen him on the ship the day before? He'd have to go through Karen's footage to find out.

Or had Holt merely been trying to abduct someone when Peter found him, and this superhero's arrest had happened almost out of pure chance? If that was the case, then where was the victim? They were close to Midtown- had Holt tried to abduct a teenager? The thought made Peter shudder.

He wasn't given much time to contemplate all of this, as soon enough, a black van pulled up to the entrance of the alley and a half dozen people in black suits spilled out. Happy emerged from the passenger's seat to briefly thank Peter for catching Holt and assure him that they'd have more information soon. After Peter dissolved the web fluid, Happy's associates made quick work of restraining him and depositing him into the van before speeding away.

After realizing that school was starting soon, Peter went into autopilot and found his regular clothes, changing into them before heading to his first class. Going about this often-exercised routine on this particular day took about twice the time that it normally did, making him late to physics.

He all but lumbered into class, ignoring his teacher's passive-aggressive remark about punctuality before making his way over to his desk. He couldn't focus on the lecture at hand, and not because of his preoccupation with Reuben Holt, but because of a strange, indeterminate sensation slowly creeping up on him, spreading over his skin.

A warmth in his hand. Soft skin, fingers clutching his.

He furrowed his eyebrows. When was the last time he'd held somebody's hand? And who had it been? Peter balled his hand into a fist, trying to remember the feeling.

Whatever it was, it masked over the subconscious suspicion that somebody was watching him. Occasionally, the feeling would bob to the surface, and Peter would look up to locate the source, until an odd forgetfulness drifted over him and he returned to his previous thoughts.

Ned approached him in the hallway between classes. "Are you okay? You seem really out of it."

How could Peter even explain the feeling? He couldn't focus, there were strange gaps in his recent memory... Was this the work of one of Holt's associates? How had they accomplished it? Or was Peter losing his super senses?

He tried to put it into words that Ned (the best friend, not the guy in the chair) could comprehend. "I feel like I'm forgetting something really important." Hell, that was all that Peter could comprehend, for the time being.

"Homework?" Ned suggested.


"Is it May's birthday, or something?"

"No, it's not that."

"The Stark internship?"

Peter shook his head, despite the two matters being partially related. "No. Well... I- I was in an alley before school started, with the suit on, and I can't remember what I was doing there. There was just this guy lying on the ground, all webbed up. So I had to have taken him out, but I don't remember doing that at all. On top of that, apparently he's the leader of a human trafficking ring, which I helped take down yesterday on a freaking cargo ship, but I barely remember any of this! And I can't- I can't..." He mad vague gestures with his hands, as if they would help him find the right words. "There's something else, I think. Something unrelated to all of this, I just... I'm missing something really big, here." He curled and uncurled his fingers in a claw shape, that weird, empty-yet-full feeling still plaguing his hand.

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