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Peter could not keep his mouth shut the whole way home, which was just fine by you. He also couldn't let go of your hand, apparently, which was also fine by you. Perfectly fine. Except that you couldn't bring yourself to look at him for fear that he'd see the raging blush on your face. But other than that, perfectly fine.

You kept your head down as you stood on the floor of the bus, trying to hide your smile as he gushed and gushed about how well you'd done. You doubted everything he said, but it was still nice to hear it.

"If- sorry, when- you get on the team, you're probably gonna be an alternate for a little while," Peter explained as you two climbed down the steps of the bus and onto the sidewalk. "So you don't have to worry about speaking in front of people. But I could help you practice, and so can Ned! We could do study nights at my place! Except, study nights always turn into movie nights with Ned and me, so I hope you like Star Wars."

He continued his blabbering, but you didn't mind at all. Not only did you not have to speak during this, but you just liked listening to Peter. You liked the sound of his voice, the way he stammered when his brain worked too quickly for his mouth and multiple ideas would come crashing out at once. You wished you were brave enough to look at his face, but all you could do for now was paint a mental image of his eyes sparkling with excitement, the bounce in his step, his hand gesturing wildly and nearly hitting several passersby.

"Hey, are you okay?" came Peter's voice suddenly.

You finally looked up at him, nodding. You felt lighter than air with all of Peter's praise bubbling up inside of you. Immediately, Peter's eyes brightened, but his eyebrows knitted together almost in confusion.

"What is it?" you asked.

Peter cleared his throat and shook his head. "Nothing. I, um, I don't know if, uh..." You squeezed his hand, encouraging him to continue. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile, before." He gave an awkward chuckle, but the look in his eyes betrayed disbelief and... was that delight?

You felt something well up in your chest at the sight of his eyes, his grin. Strangely enough, you couldn't remember the last time you'd smiled at something outside of a TV show or a funny video online. When was the last time someone from your real life had made you genuinely laugh or smile- had made you happy?

You said nothing further, simply pushed your hair behind your ear as you walked along. Eventually, the two of you made it to your apartment building. Peter, ever the gentleman, walked you up to the front door.

"Thanks for walking me home," you murmured, fumbling with your key. "You didn't have to."

"Well, the thing is..." You looked up at him rubbing the back of his neck. "This is really weird, but..."

Your heart sped up with the anticipation of what he could possibly ask you. Did he want to hang out? Walk you home again tomorrow? Spend time with you at lunch? You kind of ditched him today, after all.

Don't get ahead of yourself. Nobody wants to hang out with you by their own free will.

You clenched your teeth as Peter jammed his hands into his pockets, sighing.

"Could I change into my Spider-Man suit in your room? I have to do patrols, and stuff, and I'd rather not change in an alleyway, today."

You blinked in surprise, not having expected such a request. Could you even manage that? For one thing, you had to get him past your parents, if they were home. Which wouldn't be too hard because of the whole invisibility thing, but Peter was kind of clumsy, for a superhero. Then again, so were you, but you weren't a superhero.

Peter Parker x Reader Go-Away GreenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum