chapter 2. On the tree?

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Theseus took slow steps towards Newt's room, the door was closed and the place was awfully quiet. As he'd suspected, Newt was probably asleep.

He thought of how immature it seemed to wake his little brother up because he had had a nightmare, how out of character, it was supposed to be Newt who came knocking on his door in the middle of night asking for comfort after a bad dream.

No Theseus wasn't going to Newt asking for warm milk and cuddles after the nightmare, No, that would be stupid, he brushed the thought out of his mind, He just couldn't believe that It was his first night with his brother living with him and he was already haunted by the thought of him hurting, He just wanted to see his face, Make sure he was safe in bed, nothing like the whimpering teenager in the alley.

He knocked softly three times on the door, no responce came, he thought of returning back to his room, then his stomach turned and twisted as pictures of the nightmare ran through his mind again, so he turned the knob and openned the door slowly, making sure no sound came out, again, his purpose was just make sure he was alright, not wake him up.

There was a small lump under the blanket, exactly the size of the 16-year-old, curled around itself. The window above the bed was wide open, letting a cold breeze in the spacey room, Theseus let out a relieved breath, Newt was still here, But he could hear no breathing despite the quietness of the room.

Before he could stop himself Theseus sat at the end of the bed, where his brother's legs are, he noticed the lump was completely lifeless, were his brother's chest was, It wasn't rising and falling.

"Newt?" He whispered, starting to panic slightly, perhaps Newt was a heavy sleeper that's all. He shook the lifeless lump, only to pull his hand away the same instant, the lump wasn't human, it didn't feel human, his insides went hot, he peeled the blanket off the lump.

The lump was no other than a pillow, curled to look like his sleeping brother, Newt was nowhere under the blanket, Theseus' Jaw hit the floor, he stood up in a panic feeling as if he wanted to throw up, where was Newt?

He started searching the room, It was almost ridiculus how he searched behind the door and under the bed, he shook his head at his sillyness, Maybe Newt was in the bathroom or the kitchen.

He froze in place when he heard a familiar voice "You see, this branch isn't sturdy enough for a nest. Perhaps we could lower it, so your eggs won't fall.." the voice said softly, it was so nurturing, like a mother to her baby, He could hear a faint fluttering of wings.

It was Newton's voice, and the boy was nowhere to be seen, his voice was coming from the open, wooden framed window.

"Newt! Newt? Are you here? Where are you?" Theseus called loudly. Suddenly he noticed the handsome tree near the window shake slightly, Theseus raised an eyebrow.

He peaked his head out the window and started to look around for the young boy.

"Theseus?" Newt's voice said

"Yes. That's me. Newt, where are you?" said the older brother firmly, getting quite frustrated.

Newt hesitated for a moment, before saying "A-are you standing near the window?"

Now Theseus wondered if he was dreaming again. "Yes, but -- what? what does that have to do with anything? Newt, where. are. you?"

"Please move away from the window.."

"Excuse me?"

"just do it, Please, then I'll tell you where I am."

Theseus balled his fists in frustration, But obeyed anyway and moved away from the bed and the window, he could hear the branches of the tree move, then gapped when he watched his brother quite litteraly swing onto the bed through the window.

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