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"What? I don't think I heard you right." Elliot spoke, as he stepped out of his pants.

"What do you think you heard?" Olivia asked.

"That you aren't happy," Elliot replied.

"Then you heard me right." She replied. Elliot's eyes grew wide as he tried to process it.

"Are you lying to me? I thought you were happy. You have been doing so good. You haven't been asking if you could go back to work." He spoke.

"Yeah, because I'm bottling it up for the sake of our family, El." She breathed. She stood up from the bed and walked over to their dresser. She grabbed one of Elliot's t-shirts and a pair of his pajama bottoms before tossing them to him.

"Sorry for ruining your night." She whispered.

"Liv!" Elliot exclaimed, as his wife walked out of their bedroom. On nights like this one, she ended up climbing into bed with one of her sons and cuddled with them. She was scared of when they got older, because then where would she go?


Elliot didn't sleep, and when he went to find where his wife was, he found her in Joey's room. His room was still set up like a nursery, so there was still a rocking chair. Olivia was still rocking her son back and forth as he slept with his head against Olivia's shoulder.

"Liv?" Elliot asked as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"Joey's sleeping. Go to bed." She breathed.

"Liv, you aren't happy. We need to discuss this before it gets worse." Elliot replied.

"Just drop it, El. It doesn't matter. It never has and it never will. Leave me alone." Olivia huffed.

"Get up now. We are fighting this out so we can sleep in the same bed."

Olivia stood and put Joey back in bed, before kissing his forehead. She grabbed Elliot's arm and pulled him towards their bedroom.

Olivia walked over to their bed and sat down on it before looking at her husband.

"Yell at me. Tell me what is wrong with me." She breathed.

"I just don't know why you are unhappy!" Elliot exclaimed.

"You don't appreciate what I do, Elliot. You never thank me for making dinner. For having your clothes ironed and sat out for the next morning. I make you breakfast every morning. I feel like I'm a housewife from the 1950s. I take care of you and our kids and get nothing in return." Olivia whispered.

"I thank you!" Elliot exclaimed.

"By letting me fuck you? That's for you, Elliot! God, you were so ready for another baby after I miscarried our last! And we have tried and tried and I know you are going to get angry if I can't conceive another baby!" Olivia cried.

"Maybe you are feeling like this because you are pregnant!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Elliot, I have something else to tell you, and it's going to make you so angry but maybe it will put my unhappiness into perspective for you," Olivia whispered. She stood and prepared herself for Elliot to start hitting her as she said what she needed to say.

"What is it?" Elliot huffed.

"I kissed Brian earlier. It was so intense, and I think I did it because I'm lonely, but I don't know." Olivia whimpered. Elliot hit her across her cheek, something she knew was going to happen.

He yelled at her and told her to get out as if he had never cheated on her before. Olivia knew that he had had a one night stand with a woman shortly after Hunter was born. He was a very fussy baby and Elliot couldn't deal with him nor how emotional Olivia was after their son was born.

Olivia quickly packed a bag, before going out and checking on her sons. She left their house and ended up going to Amanda's apartment and crashing there.


"Where's Momma?" Cassidy asked. He and his brothers were all awake, but there was no breakfast waiting for them. Elliot hadn't had to cook anything in so long, that he didn't even know where Olivia kept everything.

"She's not here right now," Elliot spoke, as he opened a cabinet and found a box of cereal. It was only whole wheat stuff that he knew his kids wouldn't like, but he poured it into bowls anyway.

"Where is Momma? She's always here when we get up." Hunter frowned, as he climbed onto his stool at the island.

"Don't bring up your mother again, do you hear me? Here is your cereal. I'll get your milk." Elliot huffed.

Elliot walked over and grabbed the milk from the fridge, and as he poured it into his sons' bowls, he noticed that there wasn't even close to enough for all of them. He slammed the gallon down onto the counter before grabbing Joey's bowl and adding water to it.

"Daddy!" Cassidy yelled.

"I said shut up!" Elliot spat. He was angry and he knew he shouldn't be taking his anger out on his kids, but instead, he was.

Elliot sat the bowl down in front of Joey, and when he son went to eat it, he cried out because it was disgusting.

"You know what, no breakfast now. Everyone go back to your rooms. Find something to do."


The boys didn't like what was happening, and even Joey refused to go down when Elliot told them that lunch was ready. They wouldn't have wanted to eat it anyway, because it was partially burnt oatmeal because Olivia didn't go grocery shopping yet. She was supposed to today.

Eventually, Elliot packed the boys up and drove them to Amanda's. He knew his wife was there, and he had to figure out what was happening so his kids weren't getting yelled at all the time.

Elliot got the boys out and carried a crying Joey into the building while the other boys filed in behind their father. Once they made it to Amanda's apartment, Elliot pounded on the door.

"Elliot?" Amanda asked.

"Get my wife to come home right now. The kids haven't eaten at all today and they won't stop throwing fits." Elliot huffed.

"Elliot, she isn't here," Amanda spoke.

"What?!" Elliot boomed.

"She went to buy groceries for the kids. She was going to drop them off at the house and pick up some more of her stuff before coming back here." Amanda spoke. Amanda's kids were quiet as they watched their uncle stand there with their very upset cousins.

"Fuck." Elliot frowned.

"Daddy, can we go see Momma?" Joey hiccuped.

"Yeah. Let's go home and see Momma."

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