Chapter 1

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Saiko could hear a door closing and thought 'yes he's home now time to see his reaction to my prank!' Saiko had gotten the brilliant idea to prank Sasaki but for some reason no matter what she did he didn't respond to it. He didn't even respond to the fake blood prank that had horrified everybody else. But today she would prevail for she had the scariest bug in the world set up in a glass container in the main room. Yes she had set up a centipede

Sasaki was tired. He had just come back from a praticulary stressful meeting regarding serpent and just wanted to fall asleep on the couch because his room was too far away. 'Looks like the others are all asleep' thought Sasaki sleepily. He took off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack befor trudging into the main room before he got on the couch he noticed something and his vision went white with fear.

When Saiko heard the scream she knew her plan had succeded. The other Quinx rushed out of their rooms and seeing Saiko they stopped and demanded to know had happened. Saiko quickly calmed everyone by explaining that it was a prank it then she heard something off. The other Quinx heard it to. It sounded like someone was hyperventilating and soon after they heard a thud." Oh sh*t" cursed Saiko as she quickly ran downstairs. What she saw horrified her.

As soon as Sasaki saw the centipede his mind went blank with fear. He started hyperventilating but he couldn't get enough air. After he hit the ground memories flooded his mind. He started clawing at his ears just to get it out. He could faintly hear footsteps near him and cried out for them to help him. When they asked what was wrong he screamed " GET IT OUT IT HURTS SO BAD" He curled up into fetal position and started to cry. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew there was no reason to be so scared or be saying things like that but he didn't care. The only thing he could feel was the overwhelming fear.

Saiko had no idea what to do. The rest of the Quinx squad was down there scared of what was going on. "Someone call Arima" yelled Saiko who was now panicking. She had no idea what "get it out" meant but she could tell that Sasaki was in extreme pain. Shizaru had come back from calling Arima by the time Sasaki had calmed down. While Sasaki wasn't destroying his ears anymore he was still curled up and shaking in fear.

Around four minutes later Arima arrived and when he saw Sasaki liked this and was told what had caused it he had a puzzled look on his face. 'It makes no sense' thought Arima 'if Mukade was afraid of centipedes why was he like one and why such a strong reaction?' After Arima had completely calmed Sasaki down he sent the Quinx to bed planning to interrogate Sasaki in the morning

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