Chapter 1

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It was my first date. He was two years older and I couldn't tell my mother. She'd totally freak out! She had me at fifteen and harped on the dangers boys present practically every fricking day! It was my life and just because my sperm donor turned out to be a complete loser that didn't mean everybody was like that. No one told her to sleep with him, she could at least give me that much credit!

I, at least, was still a virgin. I just wanted my first kiss that's all and Brian didn't go to my school it was just a quick hook up at the movie theatre. My friend Malika was even tagging along. So, you see I was completely safe. I knew what I was doing. I got straight A's, I wasn't bad, but Malika was right, I was turning old before my time I needed to act like a kid every now and then.

Why did my mom's words haunt me while I stood waiting, I don't know? But suddenly, I felt like I should go home. He was late anyway. It was time to go in and it looked like I was gonna be stood up. I guess Mom was right after all – boys really are a waste of ...

"There he is!" Malika exclaimed excitedly in my ear. "Giiirrrl, he is hella fine! Too bad that Kesha aint here, he'd make her hella green!"

I blushed at her words and stood straighter to greet him, pushing out my meagre chest to look more womanly.

"Sorry, I got caught in traffic. Were you waiting long?" Brian apologized as he greeted us.

"Not really." I replied, after all I thought, what's thirty minutes when you're waiting for a hot piece!

"I got my dad's car today, so I got to be real careful with it." Brian told me then paused as if he just had an idea. "How about I give you a little tour, it's parked around the corner!"

"But the movie's about to start..." I began when Malika yanked me to the side.

"He wants to give you a tour, let him!" She whispered furiously.

"I can see it after the movie." I hedged.

"Did you come here for the stupid movie or for his fine ass? Just go!" She berated.

"I don't see why this is so important!" I hissed not liking being bullied into anything.

"Guys are stupid for cars. If he thinks you like cars he'll like you more." Malika explained as if she was taking to a simpleton. I hope she remembers she likes to copy from me. I just might put some wrong answers after this little talk.

"Fine." I agreed with a huff and sauntered back to Brian with a false eager smile. "I'd love to see it."

We walked to his Dad's car and he gushed about the model, transmission, paint, engine and some other stuff but I zoned out and barely heard him until he asked, "So what do you think?"

"It's great!" I answered a little too enthusiastically.

"You know nothing about cars, do you?" He stated, catching me in the lie.

I shamefully shook my head.

"Do you even care about all this stuff I said?" He asked.

Again, I shook my head.

"At least one of us is honest?" Brian muttered under his breath, but I heard the words anyway and looked at him puzzled. "Let's, go see the movie." He declared suddenly guiding me back to the theatre.

For a first date I was disappointed. I expected more...I don't know...something! Brian was cute, let be honest, he was fine! But I felt nothing. After the initial excitement of "OMG! A HOT GUY ASKED ME OUT!!!" I sat next to him bored out of my mind. To make matters worse the movie was total crap!

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