Chapter 30

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I stared at her as if seeing her for the first time. Only now I was noticing her curves, deep brown

eyes, and short dark curly hair. To make matters worse, she had a beauty mark on her

cheekbones adding to her exotic look.

"I am commanded. Same as you." Nora said as she saw the anger on my face.

"But you can leave," I whispered as I circled her eying her from head to foot. I wanted her gone 

and away from him...or rather me.

She mirrored my movements putting her hands up as she did. "I did as I was told. You do not 

refuse the Prince, you know this!"

"Yes, I know. But I cannot leave, you can." I growled.

"We are trapped here same as you! He has us all sign non-disclosure agreements. We cannot 

speak of what happens here and we cannot leave without his approval or we lose our jobs and 

without his reference no one in Europe will hire us again." She explained.

"Why don't you head to another part of the world then? America?" I suggested.

"The last one that did that ended up missing. They never found the body." She recalled sadly. 

"So, we stay and if we please him, we may go work for one of his enemies."

I stopped moving. "Why his enemies?".

She stopped as well. "To spy! Why else?" She replied as if it were obvious. "You get paid triple 

what you earn here plus the enemy pays you too. Gregory's brother works at the Count Yuri's 


Confused, I muttered. "I thought Yuri and he are friends..."

"He is friends with no one!" Nora said bitterly. "He uses people. He lets them think they are his 

friends until he gets what he wants. Even now he is being nice to you to get his precious son, 

once you give birth, all bets are off."

"I knew it!" I declared but I was still mad at Nora. She should've told me about her and Vladimir 

instead of making a fool out of me. Wait a minute, why was she helping me? She was sleeping 

with him, she probably wanted me gone. "Why are you helping me?" I asked, now distrustful of 

her motives.

"Why did I help you then?" She countered, understanding. "I want what you want and it's not the


"You want to leave." I murmured.

"Yes, but I am lowly servant and you are Princess. They will miss you if anything happens but 

me...these things happen."

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