Chapter 5

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Vlad accepted condolences as a rote over the past two weeks. His coronation was a simple affair, at his request and the public thought it was because he was still grieving. His true reason was because he hated everybody and didnt want to spend hours fake smiling like a fucking circus monkey!

The girl he had upstairs, kept asking when she could go home. Apparently, he hadnt made it clear enough to her that she wasnt leaving. He put her off for an entire month while he got his affairs in order, then he called her to his fathers former study.

As soon as her eyes found him she began with her questions. Am I going home today? My mom is probably really worried I dont understand why I cant just call her and let her know Im alright

Sit down. Vladimir ordered. He hated chatty fucking women! She sat in one of the chairs in front of the solid hand carved mahogany desk and folded her hands in her lap like a proper little miss. Sign these. He ordered placing documents in front of her.

What are they? She asked hesitantly.

The reason youre still alive! Sign it! He responded angrily.

I dont understandIm a minor Im not allowed to

Oh, for fucks sake! Vladimir cursed, This makes you my ward. It gives you a new identity.

Whats wrong with my old one? She wondered aloud, and he completely lost it! He smashed the chair next to her into the wall making her jump. He then pointed in her face as he threatened Listen to me, you stupid cunt! Because of my fathers dirty little secret, I have two options this he shook the papers in her face. or put you with Boris in the incinerator! Decide now because Im am tired of looking at you!

Please let me call my mother. She wept softly but he impatiently slammed her head into the desk.

Sign the fucking papers, I dont have time to waste on you! Just sign it! Vlad screamed at her.

Where? She asked tearfully, wising up finally and Vladimir shoved a pen painfully into her hand then he pointed to the signature lines. She signed wherever he pointed.

Get out! You weak American cunt! Out! He shouted, and she ran out of the room.


I cried not because of the pain from the cut in my head but because the hope I had of going home for the past month just died. I didnt even know what I signed, and I was afraid to ask what my new identity was. To think I thought he saved me. I was so stupid! What was he going to do with me now? He obviously didnt like me and wished I was dead. Why didnt he just kill me? Hes probably planning an even worse fate. I need to get out of here!

I got up and went to the window. Was it always snowing here? Where were the other houses? The only other buildings I discovered were parts of this one. A barn, a storage shed and two other buildings I couldnt identify. Supplies were delivered to the castle, everything they needed was brought to them. My jailer would never have to leave if he didnt want to.

Too make matters worse, I spotted wolves circling the property. So not only did I have to surpass my jailer and the cold but now fricking wolves! No wonder no one was worried about me running away. It was a suicide mission to do so. That meant I had to call for help and the only phones I saw were in that office and on the wall in the kitchen. There were always people in the kitchen, so that left the office.

At least I already knew he was barely home, so it was just a matter of getting in when everyone was asleep. I was more relaxed now that I had a plan of sorts. I winced as I gingerly touched the growing knot on my head, what the hell is his problem? I wondered, I didnt ask to come here! Going by his words, I dont think he likes Americans or black people for that matter.

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