Chapter 19

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It hurt to sit, it hurt to walk, it hurt to breathe. Crying brought no solace, I discovered last night

as he raped me. It was a new brand of punishment, I had brought on myself apparently, at least

that's what he had shouted as ploughed into me.

Fighting back was an even worse crime as I was punched in my ribs for daring to scratch his 

eyes. Biting was also not allowed as I now have a loose tooth for that misdemeanour.

I was so tired of him and all his shit. I was tired of being trapped here. I knew one thing for

certain I was never having his baby. One way or the other I was killing whatever monstrous

creature he put inside me. Let him find some other bitch to carry on his sick bloodline. I am

going to tell him that to his face, let him beat me, maybe next time he'll puncture a lung and I'll

finally be free of this place.

The doctor returned and he had an assistant this time, a woman. He just shook his head at me

and began his work. Of course, in bizarro world, this is all my fault. We never blame the Prince

for losing his temper. I should be honoured to be his royal whore and punching bag.

After attending to my face, which he always checks first, (probably because the Prince never

likes seeing his handy work) he moved down my body. He touched my rib and said. "You need a


"Why tell me? I can do nothing about that?" I croaked.

He sighed and commanded, "Don't move." Then got up and hurried outside. He left the assistant

with me who looked at me worriedly.

"So, you're new." I groaned out.

"Please do not speak to me." She whispered in Russian. "I thought it would be an honour to

serve the Prince..." She shook her head. "Dear God, what did I sign up for?"

Apparently, the new assistant just realized the devil she signed up to serve. Throwing salt in her

wound I added. "This is nothing, you should've have seen what he did with the poker."

"Oh, God!" She cried. "Please do not speak to me. I will lose my job if I speak to you!"

"Then don't speak," I told her in a tired whisper. "Just listen." Then I began my tale. "I was

kidnapped and brought here by the old prince and foolishly thought the new one rescued me,

but he was just like his father, only at least when his father got what he wanted he would've let

me go...."

"SHUT UP!" She hissed at me. "Shut up!"

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