Chapter 4

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"Save Me" Chapter 4

Justin’s P.O.V

I have a friend! A real life friend! When she asked me I though it was just some sort of sick joke she was playing on, because no one’s ever liked me before, so why should she? But she wasn’t playing games, she really meant it!

Once I agreed, I couldn’t help but cry. I’ve never been so happy in my life, she’s my first real friend!

I almost had a friend before when I was 8, but my dad scared him off. He never spoke to me again after that, he just walked straight past me. Ever since, no one’s even tried to talk to me or be nice to me. Until now.

That thought made me smile.

We were back at Selena’s house now, after picking up her little sister from school. Gracie was cute. She was like a mini version of Selena - caring, pretty and kind. As soon as we walked inside the house, she ran in to the living to watch tv, so Selena and I went back up to her room.

"Justin, are you hungry?" Selena called from her bathroom, while I just sat there on the edge of her bed.

I’ve always wanted a bed like this, but I’m just grateful I have at least something to sleep on.

"Uh no, I-I’m okay"

She came out and stood in the way, crossing her arms over her chest. “Are you sure? My mum’s getting take out and she should be home soon”

"What time?" I asked quietly. I hate being this nervous, I blame him.

She shrugged. “About 5 o’clock, it’s quater to now so..”

Oh my god, no no no no. I’m late home, he’s gonnaa kill me! He hates when I’m late, I have to be home no longer than 4 o’clock otherwise he gets mad. I began to shake at the thought of all the things he’ll do to me.

"Justin, what’s wrong? You’re shaking!" Selena grabbed my hands and looked at me with a concerned look.

"I-I have t-to go home" I squeaked out, still frozen in the spot where I sat.

"What? Why?"

Hot tears started to fill up my eyes and my throat tightened. “M-my dad, he doesn’t like i-it when I’m l-late home. He-he get’s mad a-and…”

I couldn’t finsh the sentence, for two reasons. 1 - because tears and sobs stopped any more words from coming out. And 2 - because I didn’t want Selena to know about the things he does, she’s my only friend and I don’t want to scare her off.

"What? What does he do, Justin?" I knew she was scared of my answer.

I sniffled and tried to contain myself. “He j-just yells at m-me”

She nodded. “Oh… Well, let me drive you home?”

I wiped away the tears and stood up slowly. “No need, I l-live down the street”

She walked to her window and pointed to my house. “That house?”

I nodded and she gasped, rushing over to me. She flung her arms around my neck, making me stumble backwards.

"Justin, I heard your dad yelling at you last night! You can’t go home! The things he was shouting at you were horrible, he’s not a nice person! You can’t go home to him, Justin"

I let out a long breath and shook my head. “I-I have to, he’ll get m-mad”

"No!" She yelled, making me flinch. "You’re not going home, Justin. You’ve had enough problems for one day!"

Save MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant