Chapter 37

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"Save Me" Chapter 37

Selena’s P.O.V

I shuffled closer to Justin’s warm body as we laid together on our bed, watching a movie. He tightened his arm around my waist and smiled.

I love saying that things belong to us, not just me, us. Like, my bedroom is now our bedroom, my bathroom is now our bathroom and everything else that used to be mine, is now ours.

It’s not just because we’re dating, these things have always been his too, ever since he begun living with us. Yeah, we have a spare bedroom, but it wouldn’t feel right to let him have his own room and not being able to crawl into bed with him at night.

At first, I had to because he would always have nightmares, he was insecure and found it hard to sleep alone, but after a while I didn’t want to leave him. I’ll never understand how he managed to sleep at night back at his dad’s house alone, but I guess he just had to suck it up and deal with it, although he did say that most nights he had been knocked out.

How doesn’t he have brain damage?

He’s an amazing guy and a perfect boyfriend, he even brought me a gift with the little money that he had.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up.

He bit his lip adorably and smiled. “Open it and see”

I nodded and pulled the end of the purple ribbon bow, untying it. I opened the small box and let a small gasp escape my lips at thesight. Inside the box sat a beautiful diamondbracelet, sparkling in the light coming from the lamp just beside me.

"Justin," I whispered in shock, still staring at it and looking at the small hearts. "Why did you get me this? It must’ve cost so much!"

"I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me" He shrugged and came closer, so close that when I looked up, our noses brushed together.

"You didn’t have to, Justin. I already know, you tell me all the time" I giggled, looking into his shining eyes.

"I guess I just wanted to prove it" He smiled innocently and leant down, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"It’s beautiful, thank you" I took thebraceletout of the small box and placed it on my wrist. Justin took both ends and hooked it together, making it fit perfectly.

I fiddled with the silver bracelet on my wrist and smiled to myself, thinking about how much it meant to me. Justin didn’t have to do such a thing, but he said that he did it because he wanted to be a good boyfriend. He’s a amazing boyfriend, even without the gift.

"Selena?" Justin’s voice came out soft and gentle, causing goosebumps to form across my arms.


"Is there something you want? Like, more than anything?" He looked down at me and bit his lip.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his question, but thought anyway. “I don’t think so, why? Is there something that you want?”

He nodded and smile softly. “That” He pointed to the tv, where a man and woman were laying in bed next to eachother, playing with eachother’s fingers.

"Justin, we already do that" I giggled, looking back at him.

He shook his head and laughed quietly. “Not that, keep watching”

I gave him a weird look and turned back to the tv.

"I don’t want you to leave," The girl on the screen said sadly. "Please don’t go"

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