Chapter 14

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"Save Me" Chapter 14

Selena’s P.O.V

A loud scream woke me from my sleep, that I had not long ago fallen into. I shot up at the sound and moved my hair out of my face, groaning. Whoever woke me is gonna pay.

I pulled the covers off my body and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I pulled on a jumper as I heard another scream. It was coming from somewhere downstairs.

I walked heavy-footed out my room, across the hall and down the stairs. I turned the corner at the bottom, ready to shout at whoever woke me up, but stopped myself because of what I was looking at.

"You can’t catch me, Justy!" Gracie yelled, running across the living room. Justin ran after her, reaching out his arms.

He finally caught her and lifted her up, spinning her round in the air. She screamed and laughed, kicking her feet around. He put her back down and crouched to her level.

"You can’t do dat again!" She yelled and lightly hit Justin’s shoulder, before running away again.

She spotted me and skipped over, then hid behind me and clung onto my leg. She squealed as Justin came closer and giggled. I picked her up and rested her on my hip.

"What you doing, babe?" I asked, looking down at what she was wearing. She had on some sort of bunny outfit.

"Playing wiv Justy!" She screamed, throwing her arms up.

I smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? And what are you playing?”

"Tag!" She pointed to Justin and giggled. "He can’t catch me!"

"You’re too fast for him" I played along, tickling her sides.

She burst into fits of laughter and wriggled around in my arms. I laughed and put her back down on the ground again.

"Sel, I want cookies!" She grinned up at me. "Pwease?"

"But bunnies don’t eat cookies, bunnies eat grass" I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

"Oh…" She furrowed her eyebrows and then nodded. “Okay” She hopped off to somewhere else in the house.

I turned back to Justin and gave him a small smile. “Hey”

He returned the smile and blushed a little. “Uh hey”

"So are you okay?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

He followed after and sat down at one of the bar stool things. “Yeah, but what about you? H-how are you feeling?”

I nodded and placed two glasses of orange juice on the island. “A little better, but Gracie woke me up”

I groaned, remembering how her playful screaming woke me from my peacefulsleep.

"Oh, s-sorry, that was m-my fault" He frowned, looking down.

I shook my head. “No it’s not, Justin. She just has a big mouth”

He let out a small giggle and gave a shy smile. I mentally ‘aww’d’ and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Sel, look! I’m a bunny!" Gracie’s voice chirped as she ran into the kitchen with grass in her hands and hanging out her mouth.

"Gracie! No, don’t eat it!" I gasped, picking her up and putting her on my lap.

She spat out the grass into my hand and pouted. “But you said dat bunnies eat grass and I want to be a bunny!”

"Yes, but Em, I didn’t mean go out and eat it. It will make you sick and you don’t want that, do you?" I asked, pushing the hood to her outfit away from her eyes.

She bowed her head and played with her small fingers. “No. I’m sowwy, Sel”

"It’s okay, babe. Just don’t do it again, alright?" I kissed her temple, then her forehead and then her nose.

She giggled and nodded. “Yep!”

"Good girl. Now, how about we make pizza?” I asked and put her down.

She sqeauled and ran around in circles. “Pizza! Yaaay!”

I looked to my right, to face Justin. “You wanna help?”

He nodded and gave a small smile. “Um okay”

"No, Em, use your hands" I laughed and placed my hands over her small ones. She was trying to make the pizza base.

"But it’s all gooey!" She whined, pushing her fingers into the dough.

Justin giggled from the other side of her and swapped his already made dough with hers.

"You can have mine" He spoke quietly and began to work again.

"Fank you, Justy" Gracie beamed at him. He nodded and smiled back.

Just when I was about to speak, the doorbell rang. I wiped my hands on a small kitchen towel and made my way to the door.

I opened it up and there he stood. He quickly looked up and gave a shy smile. Shy my ass!

"Oh uh- Hello, miss, I uh- My son is missing. He’s been gone for almost a week now and I was just wondering if you’ve seen him?" He handed me apicture. I looked down and my stomach flipped. “His name is Justin. Justin Bieber”

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