Chapter 3 Why him?

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I woke up
Looking at myself

Where am I?
I looked around the room and all the walls were painted white and the bed wasnt comfy. suddenly I realized where I am
And shouted " hospital"!

I just remember I saw a familiar car lastly
What happened to me?
Have I lost my legs,hands?
What happened to me?....

Suddenly I hear footsteps approaching me,I think its a man, just cant see clearly.
I tried to sit up to reach out my nikab but my head pulled me back due to the pain,whoo is he?,it is dad?
For sure dad will be very angry at me for my careless driving.

That someone was coming closer to me ..
"Majid, you? what are you doing here?"
I quickly wore my nikab,uh! Why him?

"As if I am interested to see your face
"You banged my car"...
He said ...
And thanks to you I have to repair my car again you rich brat..
Wait I just said rich so you have to pay for the expenses..
First for the hospital bills and for my car"..he looked at me while pointing his finger at me with a smirk on his face..

I looked at him..with no reply.
First I dont want to speak with him
And second I am very tired
I have no energy to argue back at him.

So it seems he didnt inform my parents about this accident..well I am happy..

"Stop looking at me
Do you admire me?
Then stop checking me out"...

"Yuck!" I said with a puking expression
Me and admiring you next to impossible....
Please leave me alone I have no time to argue with you"..

He looked at me
And walked away by saying
"Thank me for bringing you here other wise I would leave you hanging..
Keep the money ready".....

Ah! I just hate him..

"Hello! How are you feeling now?" Said the nurse with a bight smile on her face

"Much better nurse,
What happened to me?
Is it serious" I questioned looking worried

"Didn't your husband tell you anything"? She questioned

I am not married yet.
He is my brother"..I answered, looking at her with a weird expression

"Is he single?" she asked with suprisingly

I stared at her for few seconds, reading her name on the badge she was wearing and said "macy, he is all yours"

She giggled,

"You are okay nothing happened to you,just a bit of scraches on your head,have a rest and drink plenty of water you will be okay,drive carefully next time". She advised

I smiled at her and said "well, I have learnt my lesson, next time inn shaa allah iwill drive carefully, Thanks."

Thanks Allah it was just a minor accident
I am totally fine alhamdullilah....

Whats wrong with everyone...
Why do they ask about him,even nurses uh!
He is not that handsome....

Are you jealous ashwaq

No, I am not.
Stop thinking about him ashwaq.
I wish he is gone
I dont want to see him

I peeped just to see if he is still here
Alhamdullah he went

I walked to the parking lot and i thanked allah my car isnt that much in bad shape.

My baby,i am very sorry, I miss you a lot ,sorry for hurting you..

I turned to look who's laughing voice was.
"Ah! What,that's not stupid to talk to something you love"

"You still are a kid ashwaq"

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