Falling To Pieces

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From when I posted it on Fanfic:

This takes place on the roof. It came into my mind when I woke up from the rain at 5 am and I had to write it down. it’s a little OCD, In my opinion.


Chapter 1.

 Kate fights him. She fights him, but he’s too strong. Maddox is too strong and she feels that when he throws her off of him and she is rolling. Rolling towards the edge and she tries to stop, but she can’t and before she knows it, she’s hanging from the roof. Dangling.

 She thinks all hope is lost when she sees her phone on the edge of the roof. If she can just speed dial Castle… he can come save her, he will be here, he’ll always be here. Always, right? She tries to move her fingers and hit the touch screen, and it works. She hears the phone dialing. “Please Someone! Pick up!” she hopes it Castle, but she can’t be sure… and as if a miracle had happened, she hears his voice, but it’s his answering machine… she decides it’s better now than never, because she knows she’s going to die! “Castle?! Oh God. Castle! I’m so sorry for everything. But I need you to forgive me! I can’t die with knowing that you aren’t going to forgive me.” She feels her hands slip. She doesn’t know what to do. But she’s running out of time.

Suddenly, her right hand slips and she lets out a yell. “Castle! I- I love you! Rick… I love you.” She feels her left hand slip away, but she also hears footsteps! Could that be him? “Castle!” she tries to hold on, she tries, but she can’t.

Her hand slips and she lets out a yell. “No!” and sees Ryan leaning over the edge to grab her but he’s too late and she can feel her body falling and she sees Ryan’s eyes panicking before an image of Castle flashes in front of her eyes. She reaches out to it. “Rick.” She whispers before she feels her body hit something and everything goes black.


 Rick opens the door to his loft. He came back from Alexis’ graduation and he just felt like he needed a drink. His little girl, his pumpkin is graduated! She grew up.

And then there was the whole Kate thing. It broke his heart, stepping away from her. But that was what he needed to do. If he would have been there, it wouldn’t have made any difference. She still would have gone down the rabbit hole and she wouldn’t be going out. She would be dead.

Hell, she could be dead this second. And even though he couldn’t tell himself that he didn’t care… it hurt a little less not knowing than knowing what she was doing, knowing her every move and not being able to stop her.

 He walked towards his office and turned on the monitor. On the screen, a picture of her appeared. He sat there, staring at it for a few seconds and then stepped closer to the monitor. He dragged the file across the screen and deleted it.

Right then, he made the decision of not wanting to know anymore. He didn’t want to care about her anymore. She lied to him. For a year! And then, when he actually told her he loved her, nothing. Nothing than avoiding the subject. If she was going down, he didn’t want to know anymore, not after all of that.

 He was snapped out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He walked towards it and saw “K.Beckett” flashing on the screen. His jaw tightened and against everything he’s been doing for the past four years, he declines her call.

 He didn’t deny his thoughts going wild about what the call would be about, but every time he thought of her, he saw her lies, her blood on his hands, and his love for her being ignored. His heart just couldn’t take it.

He poured himself a drink and took a sip. Right when he closed his eyes, his phone got a message. He hoped it wouldn’t be her, but somehow, he knew whatever or whoever it was, it would be about her.

 He picked up his phone and saw it was a voicemail. He really didn’t know what to do. Should he listen to it? Or shouldn’t he? He took the phone in his hand and turned it off. He decided he shouldn’t let his heart go through this. Her message wouldn’t be worth the pain anyways.

 He walked back into his office and turned on his laptop. He sat down, took a deep breath and took another sip of his drink. He opened a new document and his fingers flew over the keys, writing all his thoughts, all his emotions out on paper. Well, digital paper. And maybe, if it was good enough, he would put it in Frozen Heat. If he could do that, he would be able to finish the book and really close that chapter of his life which contained any contact with Katherine Beckett.


Thanks for reading.

It's just a short intro, not *that* great in my opinion but on fanfic people loved it... Whatcha think? worth posting on Wattpad too? Lemme know :)

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