Chapter 8

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So, I started writing this on the last day of me being 14 years old. To a new chapter in life. Hopefully a better one than the last decade.

 (Now I'm 16 btw)


Rick was sound asleep when Kate woke up from passing out. He was laying with his head on his arms, on the bed, while still sitting in the chair. His hand was holding her right one. “So cute” she mumbled out loud.

“Yeah, you’re right, it is.” Kate heard someone say. She looked up from her hand, and met eyes with her best friend. “Lanie!” she exclaimed happily. But then remembered sleeping Castle, and whispered, “Lanie…”

Lanie let out a laugh. “Hey girl, glad to see you up again.”

“I’m glad too, we didn’t really get to talk last time didn’t we?” Kate softly smiled as she put her arm out, motioning for Lanie to come hug her.

“No, but let’s change that today. So…” Lanie started as she hugged her friend as tight as she could without hurting her.

Kate looked at her, and Lanie sighed. “Girl, do I even have to ask?”

She realized what Lanie was referring to, and blushed. “Yeah well… what exactly do you want to know?”

“Uh, well… what, when, how… let’s start with those.”

Kate took a deep breath as she started explaining everything. The message Rick left, how she had a nightmare and called him up. How she asked him to come. She told her everything but what the nightmare was about.

“Oh honey, I’m so glad you finally came to your senses. Both of you, but right before that, I could have killed the man. Be glad I didn’t.” Lanie smiled, but only got a soft smile back from Kate.

“Hey, what’s bugging you?” Kate just continued to stare at her hands. “Kate, I know it’s not nothing, I mean, it must be something big if you’re down after getting together with the man you wanted for so long. What’s bugging you?” Lanie took Kate’s hand. It wasn’t easy with writer boy on the other side of the bed, sleeping, and sometimes distracting her, but she got her attention.

“It was just a dream Lanie.”

“One hell of a dream if you’re so down like this. Tell me hun, you know you can tell me anything.” Lanie smiled as she looked for eye contact.

“I had a nightmare Lanie. The worst one I’ve had in years… I saw you guys, all of you, how it would have been if I died. I saw Ryan and Gates breaking down next to my body, I saw Rick drowning himself in alcohol, and I saw you… your empty eyes… I tried to talk to you, and you heard me, you felt me, but you were so sad… you had no idea that I was around to tell you I love you, and watch over you. Javi was taking care of you as you cried. You would have been broken if I died…” Kate’s voice had cracked, and tears were clear in her eyes.

Lanie tilted up Kate’s head. “Honey, it was just a nightmare. It’s not real. You’re still here, and we’re all okay. It was just a nightmare.”

“That’s the thing Lane, I don’t think it was just a nightmare. I saw her Lanie, I saw mom… Right before I woke up, and was pulled away from you, I was in a place with no walls, and my mom was in front of me. She said things she had never said before, she couldn’t have said before, like: ‘Be grateful you didn’t die Katie.’ Of course she never said that to me before. And I don’t think my mind made it up. She was in her favorite clothes, but different colors and she glowed… like, around her… And before I could say anything, I woke up…”

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