chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Javi took Ryan home, and gave Lanie a ride since Lanie didn’t feel like she could drive. Lanie and Javi both didn’t want to be alone so Lanie spent the night with Javi.

“At first, when I saw Ryan and Gates passing me, I was mad. Mad that he told Gates. But then…” he looked down at his feet, with his elbows still rested on this knees. “Then I realized that Ryan might have been able to save her. And now- now she’s in that hospital bed, broken. Literally broken.”

“Hey, Javi. It’s okay. I understand why you would be mad, but it was the right thing to do for Ryan. He was afraid of what might happen, and what actually happened was much worse than what any of us could have thought of. It’s normal to be angry, scared, sad and a whole bunch of other feelings. But direct them towards the people that caused this, not to Ryan, not to Gates, not to yourself and not to Kate. And I’m just saying to her because I know she went after Maddox and you just wanted to help her, so I also know she did a stupid thing, but the consequences were far worse. So now let’s just go to bed, get some sleep, and take a day or two off.” Lanie said as she stood up.

“Oh, I’m not going to take a day off. Far from it.” He said as she stood up and she turned around to give him a questionable look. “I’m not taking a day off until the people who caused this are behind bars, for good.”

Lanie looked at him, and knew this wasn’t the right time. She just took his hand in hers and they went to bed together. Just holding each other, for the comfort they both wanted and needed so bad.


Rick was left behind in the hospital. Partially because he didn’t want to leave, and because he came here by himself so he would have to drive home by himself too.

Everyone was gone now, so he went up to her room. He knew he had told himself not to go see her until she was better but he couldn’t help himself, he had to know she was okay. See for himself.

He took a deep breath before opening the door to the dim light room.

She looked so pale… and all those tubes didn’t make it any easier on his eyes. He hated seeing her so fragile. It was almost as bad as when she was shot. Maybe even worse. No, defiantly worse. Because this time he didn’t try to save her, he wasn’t there to help. To do everything in his power to defend her. This time, he left her to die. To fall down a building, crying out for him, to die.

That was the only plus point about this. She survived. And he thanked the gods for that. Or whoever it was that controlled death. Faith.

When he finally snapped out of his thoughts, he took place in the chair Ryan sat in before and watched her. He didn’t say anything, didn’t reach out for her… he just watched her.

It went on for hours. Him watching the machine pumping air into her lungs, and letting it out again. He had traced every wire to every machine. He knew what everything was for. What every machine did, what time was between the beeps of the machine, he studied everything. He knew every single detail of the room.

Finally, the beeps of the monitor, and the sound of air being pushed into her lungs lulled him to sleep.

His dreams weren’t any better than reality. The first nightmare was the scene playing in his head. Ryan and the team behind him rushing across the roof, Kate calling out and eventually, her falling down. He woke up, scared that he lost her, but was settled seeing she was still breathing. Well, the machine was breathing for her, but she was still alive.

Falling To PiecesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon