Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The 3 weeks in the hospital were a drag, but eventually came to an end. And with the company of her lovely partner, not just in crime, Castle, she had been able to have a good laugh a couple of days. Of course he still had to write, but he often took his laptop with him, and sometimes he wrote, other times she got to do things online. Like check her email and such. She just had a computer, no laptop. Why didn't she get one of those things again?

 But now, it had been 3 weeks, and she was cleared to go home! She was glad to finally get out of the little room, in a wheelchair, but out of it. And the hospital bed. Though, she was a little scared to go home. In the hospital, nothing had gone wrong, but that didn't change the fact that she had like a million broken bones, to be careful with, not walk around, stay on the couch or bed... She was looking forward to it, but also knew she'd hate not being able to take care of herself. She didn't want to depend on someone. But, she had 3 weeks to prepare herself that she'd have to, and now it was that time.


 Rick pulled open the car door, “Welcome home, Kate.” But by the face he got, he quickly added “temporarily” and she eventually cracked a smile. Looking up at the building she knew as Castle’s. Or at least, his loft was located in the building. Not like he owned the building.

She put her good arm around Castle’s neck, and relied on him to pull her up, out of the car. The standing up was still hard, with her broken ribs and all… But the walking itself? It was easier, if it was just for a little while. So the end to the elevator, through the hall, and to the couch, was just a tad too long for her.

Once she reached the couch, she just sat down, and took a few deep breaths. Oh, how quickly she was tired nowadays. These walks were so hard on her, but still, she was so happy she was home. Well, ‘home’ but still, more home than a hospital will ever be.

Over the next week, Rick took good care of Kate. She slept a lot still- medication- but she had a smile on her face again. He’d missed seeing that in the hospital. Of course, he made sure she had her occasional laugh, but there had always been sadness in her eyes. Now, for the first time in 5 weeks, she had that smile back on her face, that light in her eyes… God, she just looked so gorgeous. He melted for her smile, and she knew it. It came in handy once or twice when there was something she needed, but he was too lazy to get it. Not that it was the case most times, but still.

Kate got his bedroom, and Rick took the guest bedroom upstairs, seeing as he thought it was best that she didn’t have to try go up staircases any time soon. But frankly, he also didn’t want to carry her up the stairs. Not that she weighed a lot, he just didn’t want to risk dropping her, and giving her more injuries.

Kate was a lot better in the 2de week out of the hospital. She had complete function -if you don’t count the cast on her lower arm- of her arms again. No more shoulder pain, except when lifting things, but she couldn’t do that because of her leg.

Her ribs had also healed a great deal. They didn’t hurt anymore. Not a single bit. So now, it was just her leg that had to be left alone for a while. Because of the cast on her arm, she couldn’t walk with crutches, but she had a wheelchair- which she hated- as an option.

Her cast had been plain for a week, but then Castle started to complain that it looked boring. Kate did see that he had a point, and to make him stop complaining, she let him write stuff on it when they were watching tv. He’d grab a sharpie, and she’d let him draw on it. At first it was just “Your Castle” which he received a loving kiss for. The next thing she knew, her cast was full with romantic things. Like, “KBRC” and “Always”.

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