Chapter 2

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April has had no sleep, since finding out that her sister had run away to find her. But April was safe, well as safe as she could be. Cat had been gone for almost 5 weeks, and no one had found her. And now she just found out that Jake had also ran away, nearly 4 days ago. 'But why would he run away? He knows I'm safe.' She thought. 'Oh, I know why he has run away, its because of Cat. He has gone to find her. I hope he finds her soon.' April went over to her window, and looked out of it. She stood there, waiting as if Cat would come back any second. Well, she could come back any second. April could see people out side. They were just leaving or just arriving. “April's fines Grandma.” Said her cousin Charlie, to his phone. “She just misses Cat, that's all. Nothing to worry about. Any way, any sine of Cat?” April breaths in deeply, waiting for the answer. She already knew the answer. It would be a no, but she hoped it was a yes. “So, what you are saying is you have no idea where she is?” Said Charlie, trying not to yell. 'So they have not found my sister. I wish I was older enough to find her my self.' She thought, while a tear was sliding down her cheek. “I hope Cat is ok, we all really miss her. Especially April. And plus the school is wondering where she is, so I had to make up a reason. If you find her, tell her when I see her I am going to kill her.” He said, trying to sound calm, but not. “OK, bye Grandma. Love you too, and I will tell A, that you say hi, and that you love her. Bye!” Then he hang up. As he was turning around, she ducked, so he wouldn't see her. As she was sitting there, she fell asleep. Charlie came in and saw her asleep on the ground. He picked her up and put her in her bed. He tucked her in, and kissed her on the cheek. “Night princess.” And then he was gone.

“I wish we knew where Cat was.” Whispered Zoe.

“Me too.” Soph whispered back, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one had over heard.

“First we have lost Cat, and now we have lost Jake!” Said Sam, close to tears. Sam really missed her best friend. Cat had been gone for nearly two weeks. But it felt longer to Sam. Then Sam started to cry, which never happens. Sam only cries when she is really upset, and her other friends could tell how upset she was. “Don't worry Sammy.” Said Zoe, moving over so she could hug one of her best friends. Zoe had not slept in weeks. She has been so worried about Cat. And now Jake had gone, it was all to much for her. “Everything will be fine. Jake will find her. He will bring her back, and everything will be OK.” She said trying to make Sam, feel better. But it didn't work. Sam knew better then to believe that. Maybe Jake will find her, but nothing will be fine ever again. And they all knew it. “I really miss her!” Sobbed Sam.

“I know you do. We all do. We all miss her. Especially April. But we will find her. Jake has gone to find her, and knowing Jake he probably has already found her.” Said Soph, also trying to help Sam. But also trying to help her self. The past two weeks, without Cat has been really hard on her. She has been so worried about her. But she knew that Cat will be OK. Cat is one of the best spy's she knows. And she knows lots of really good spy's. She's tough. She's smart. She's pretty. She will be OK.

Jake was a step be hide her. They weren't speaking. Well, Cat wasn't speaking. She was ignoring Jake. “Where are we going, Cat?” He tried again, but was returned with silence. “OK, be that way then.” But still, Cat ignored him. 'Why is she still ignoring me? I was only joking. And she has been ignoring me for like nearly four hours. I think I might just leave her alone.' Jake thought. So, they kept on walking in silence. Jake had no idea where they were going, and had no idea where Cat was planing on going. No one knew where they were, or that Jake had found Cat. Non of Cats family could find her, but Jake knew her the best. So, he found her. Quite easily, if he may say so him self. All of that spy training must of paid off. He was tracker. He was like his father. A naturally born tracker. His father had been the best tracker ever, and now Jake was planing on flowing in his foot steps. Unfortunately, his father had been kid napped, or spy napped, as the others called it. Any way, his father wasn't even on a mission. He was on his way to pick up Jake from school. And he never came. The police had gone searching for him, unaware that he was spy. And all they found was his car. Jake had only been 9 at the time. That was when he was still in normal school. He missed his father. They had been really close. That's why, when he found out that Cat had gone, disappeared, he was super worried and scared. First he thought that maybe she had been kid napped, or spy napped. But then, he thought that she must have gone looking for her sister. Who was safe. Well, sort of safe. Your never safe, when your a spy, or a spy-in-training like she was. 'I wonder how April is? I hope she is ok.' He thought. They have been walking for about 4 maybe 5 hours. And Jake still had no idea where they were going. “Cat, I know you are angry at me, or you just have nothing to say to me. But, if I did upset you, I'm sorry OK? I was just so worried about you, and I was scared. I was scared that they might of kid napped, or spy napped you.” But once again, there was nothing. So Jake ran around Cat, and stopped right in fount of her. “Move.” She said, glaring at him.


“Move, or else......”

“Or else what?”He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

“Or else, I'll........I'll............ push you out of my way.”

“Oh, I know you would. But I hope you don't.”

“If you know, why are you in my way, then?” She asked, raising her eye brows.

“I'm worried about you. Something has happened to you while you were gone.”

“Well, since I almost died. Yeah, something happened to me.” She said sarcastically.

“Cat, please. What's wrong?”

“Jake.....all I wanted to do was to find my sister. As soon as the message came, and I had heard it, all I wanted to do was to find her. She means everything to me, you know that. And I promised my mother, that no matter what, I would protect April. And all I have done is mess everything up.”

“No, you haven't messed everything up. You were just trying to protect her. That's you. I would have done the same. If, it was you, or Sam, or Soph, or Zoe. They also would of done the same. We all would of. If, they had said that they had taken you, April would have been gone before any of us could stop her. Same with me, and with Sam, and Soph, and Zoe, even Charlie would. OK? As soon as you had heard, you said that you were going to bed. But, instead you packed a bag, and left. You left because you love her, with all of your heart. It's not your fault, that you love her OK? But the most important thing is that she is safe, well sort of. If I had heard that one of my siblings had been kid napped, or spy napped I would of done the same. So would Soph. If Zoe heard that someone had taken her cousins, well she wouldn't have gone, but she would of chosen who went.” He said, as he hugged her.

“OK, thanks.” She said, with her head on his shoulder. They stood there for about 5 minuets, just hugging each other. Not talking, just hugging. Cat heard him before she saw him. “Well, well, look what we have here. Cat, and her boyfriend Jake.” Cat, turned around slowly, and saw Jack Will. A boy she went to school with. “Well, hello Jack. How are you?” Cat said, remaining calm.

“Oh, I'm good thanks. How are you, Cat?” He asked, with the slightest of smiles on his lips.

“Fine, thanks. What brings you out here, Jack?”

“Oh, you know me, just out wondering. What about you?”

“My parents own a house near here, so we were just looking around.” Said Jake.

“Oh, isn't that nice!” Jack said, pretending to be happy. “Is that what you were doing? It looked more like hugging to me.”

“That's because we were hugging.” Cat said, matter a factly

“Why aren't you two at school?

“On a bit of a holiday. What about you Jack? Said Jake, glancing at Cat, who looked like she might hit Jack.

“I'm camping with my family.” Jack said, winking at Cat. “What about those other friends of yours? Where are they? Aren't they normally with you?”

“There not here. And yes they are normally with me, but they couldn't come.” Cat said.

“Well, we best be off.” Said Jake, clapping his hands together. “My parents are probably getting worried. Because we have been gone for a while. It was nice to see you again, Jack.”

“Same to you. Bye Cat, I hope to see you soon.” Then with that, he was gone. Cat didn't say anything, just in case Jack was still near by. “What do you think he was really doing out here?” Asked Jake, looking around. “He wasn't just wondering around. We got to get out of here, now!” She said letting panic take over. Cat started to run, with Jake just be hind her.

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