Chapter 3

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(hey guys hope you are enjoying my story so far!)

April was awoken, by the sound of the doorbell being dinged. She creped over to her window, and peeked out. She saw a young looking boy, about Cats age standing out side, waiting for someone to answer the door. She could hear Charlie opening his door, and running down stairs. He opened the door, and let the strange boy inside. April tip-toed over to her door, and opened it as quietly as she could. She creped down the stairs and pushed on the fourth brick to her left. A small opening appeared. April ducked her head, and went inside. The door closed be hind her. It was so dark, April could not see a thing. But, from all the times she had come though here, knew the way. April walked as fast as she could, without making a sound. April was only six years old, when her sister Cat, had shown her this secret passageway. She found the sport where her sister, Jake, Soph, Zoe, Sam and herself had once spied on Charlie, their Grandmother, their mother and father, Jakes parents, Soph's parents, and Zoe parents. But, this time she was by her self. She opened the hole, by taping on the middle brick. The middle brick popped out, and April pulled it out, being careful not to drop it on her foot, again. She put it down on the ground carefully. She put her ear in the hole. “What brings you here, Jack?” Asked Charlie. 'Jack Will is here? But why?' April thought, with a worried expression on her face. “Well, it actually has something to do with Cat.” Said Jack, quietly. “Cat?” Asked Charlie, getting all excited.

“Yeah Cat. And Jake.”

“What about them?”

“I saw them. And spoke to them, too. They seemed in a hurry.”

“Where did you see them?”

“I saw them in the woods.

“The woods? Why would they be there?”

“I don't know. But, they looked worried. And scared.”

“Is Cat ok?”

“I think so. She didn't really looked hurt Oh expect for her ankle, I think she must of twisted it. She actually looked kind of freaked out.”

“Did she say where she was going?” Asked Charlie, trying not to yell.


“Did she tell you anything?”

“Not really.”

“What dose not really mean?”

“I asked them what they were doing out there, and Jake said that his parents own a house near by, so they were just looking around.”

“OK, so Jake did find her.” Said Charlie, sounding relived. 'Thank god for that.' April thought to herself, with a small smile on her lips. “OK, thanks Jack I owe you one.” Said Charlie.

“That's ok. You would have done the same.”

“Yep, your right I would of.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I'm going to go and find them.”

“What about April?” Jack asked. April went completely still, wanting for the answer. 'Yeah, Charlie what about me?'

“I'll send her over to Grandmas.” April was shocked by his answer that she throw down her fist on the bricks, and her hiding sport was discovered. “I should of known that you would be listening.” Charlie said with a smile. “I am not going to Grandmas.” Shouted April. “She is my sister. You can not just leave me. You need me. She needs me.”

“You are not coming with me. I can just leave you. Your right I do need you, but what would Cat say? What would she say, when she found out that I let you come with me?”

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