Chapter 5

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(hey guys chapter 5 is finally here

hope you all enjoy it :)

~tAt xx

P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes :)

Harper (POV)

Don't worry Harper darling.” Said a voice. “We don't have her. Now.” She smiled a terrible smile. An evil smile. “What do you mean by now? Did you have her?” Harper spat the words out, almost scared of the answer. “Yes Harper, we did.” Replied the evil women.

“When?”Harper asked, trying not to think of what they could of done to her oldest daughter.

“One week ago.” Answer another voice. A voice she knew. A voice that she had grown up with.

“Abby?” She asked, shocked to see her sister, standing there.

“Yes, Harper. It's me. Long time no see.” Her younger sister smiled down at her. She smiled a smile that Harper had seen only one time before. She saw that smile when they were kids, and Harper caught her younger sister sneaking around her room. That smile said 'uh oh she caught me'. She was right, Harper had caught her. “Abigail what are you doing here.” The use of her real name took her aback. “Oh you know Harper, I'm here for the same reason as you; to find your daughter.” At the mention of her daughter, Harper wanted to slap her sister right then. “Or should I say daughters.” Abby said, smirking down at her older sister.

Abby (Short POV)

Abby finally felt taller, bigger, stronger than older her sister. Harper was always the favourite one, the more loved one. Abby hated her sister for that. Hated how she was the one everyone loved, everyone adored. 'Oh Harper this......' and 'Harper that......' . Well it was her turn. It was her turn for everyone to adore her. For everyone to talk about her. She smiled at the thought.

Harper (POV)

Harper looked up at her little sister. She remembered how when they were younger, how Abby would run around the house in her undies, yelling 'You will bever get me!' Abby couldnt get the 'n' sound until she was 7 years old. Her heart hurt at the memory. She missed her little sister. She missed how Abby would beg, cry and even yell for Harper to read her a story or to play with her. Harper used to brush Abby's hair and put it up for school. She used to make her recess and lunch. She used to go and wait for Abby at her class room after school, so they could walk home together. Abby wasn't that little girl any more. She clearly did not need her help any more. Harper felt sad at that thought. “Abby tell me the real reason why you are here.” Abby glared down at Harper. Harper smiled back up at her. She knew when Abby was lying. It must have been the spy in her, or maybe the big sister in her. “That is the real reason why I am here, Harper.” Abby snarled back.

“No it is not, Abigail.” There was a glimer in Harpers eyes. “You and I both know that is not the real reason you are here. I am not stupid Abigail, I am a spy, not to mention your big sister.” She pleaded with her. Abby walked to her sister, not sure what she was going to do. She lifted her hand up and slapped her sister right across her face. Harper felt pain not like any other. But the pain wasn't from her stinging face, it was because her sister had slapped her. Abby had betrayed her, this hurt more than ever. “How dare you second-think me, Harper!” Abby bellowed. “I am not lying! I am here to find where your daughters, Catherine and April are, and what they have done to get over 400 angry bad spys after them. If you don't believe me, fine be that way.” She started to turn away. “Oh and I am not your sister.” Harper felt even more pain. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest. Abby saw the look on Harpers face. She kept walking towards the door. Harper watched her walk away, feeling really mad. “Abby, what have I ever done to you? What did I do?” Harper suddenly yelled. Abby walked up to the door, and turned her head towards her sister. “Everything.” She wispered and walked out the door. 'Everything'? What was 'everything'? Harper did nothing to her, nothing at all. Well, at least that is what she thought. She had done everything to protect her little sister. She even run away with Abby when she was 14 and Abby was 10. Their parents were fighting and there was something strange going on. Harper had only 2 years of proper spy training. Harper ran away one final time when she was 18, to protect Abby. She hadn't seen her little sister for nearly 20 years. Harper suddenly started crying. First one tear, then a second, then a third followed by tons more. She couldn't stop the tears from falling. The more she tried, the more and harder the tears fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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