𝟛. 𝕞𝕖, 𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚

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"I am a princess soon to be a queen but unlike the others I'm a tad bit mean."

Millie had left Finns house just a few hours ago and was still waiting to see her boss. She was located just on the outskirts of New York "the sketchy part." as people called it. She has been waiting for nearly half an hour and her extreme impatience didn't seem to be helping the situation at all. Suddenly she heard the noise of a cars tires on the rocks just outside the isolated building she had found herself in.
"About fucking time."
She mumbles to herself just before the entrance of her boss Dacre. His dark shades resting on the bridge of his nose before sliding them off. Two bodyguards surrounded him breathing in and out heavily. Dacre's scrutinising gaze fell onto Millie after a few minutes of silence.
"What took so long."
Millie said agitation still clear in her facial expressions and voice tone. All while staring back with the same blank gaze.
"Doesn't matter."
He said walking closer to Millie. Millie tried not to make her flinching visible she might have just gotten away with it. Truth is Millie was petrified of Dacre she had heard the rumours about what had happened to previous workers and if they weren't just rumours she didn't want to end up like them. Paralysed, blind or worse yet dead.
Dacre held out both hands only for each body guard to drop a black bag into his callused bruised hands. He peered inside each bag before giving them to Millie which she grabbed quickly.
"One bag contains the drugs, the other contains your money from this month."
He said coldly his gaze still strong on Millie. She stares back her strong act now weakened and begins to walk away towards the exit.
"Oh and Millie."
She turns around to see possibly what more Dacre could want from her.
"Nice job sleeping with that guy, we've been getting extra cash, keep it up."
Millie started at him in disbelief then continued on her way to the door , she had been raped and he didn't even care ? Well In reality he doesn't give a shit for any of his workers. As long as they make money and you're not getting drugs from other people, he generally doesn't care. So as any other normal person she continued on with her life and decided to pass by a local choclit' shop she had the money now to buy things. She held her two bags close to her so no one would be able to get a glimpse and begin to act suspicious.
As Finn lays in bed thinking his thoughts suddenly come to the girl he had saved last night. She was a brunette with big brown eyes and a slim , curvy figure. He then realised that he was thinking of he quickly erased her from his mind. Once he had tried to erase the thoughts from his mind, the mission being abortive he decided to treat himself to the local desert shop. Pops choclit' shop. He walked out of his and his family's apartment then took the lift down to the lobby. He  exited and drove his car speedily down the road. While he was driving he couldn't help but think , if he'd ever see her brown orbs or short matted hair again. Such a beautiful girl that unfortunately just blends in with the fake faces, there was obviously more to her than she had stated, she obviously had more than just the name of Jane. He clears Jane from his mind once again and pulls up outside the shop, as he opens the door he is greeted by the jingling if the bell. He looked around and it all seemed way to silent, the scary kind. Finn was greeted by a waitress with a short white skirt and blonde hair, her heels click clacking across the checkered floor, her name tag reading iris. He had to admit...she was pretty hot but also most likely one of those popular cliche, high school girls.
"Hey what can I get you today?"
She said her emerald eyes twinkling in the afternoon sun, smacking her lips together while chewing some gum.
"A chocolate milkshake?"
Said finn blinding the girl with one of his toothy grins.
"Sure thing coming right up."
She then turned around note pad in hand and walked over to the kitchen area.
Millie had noticed Finn a few minutes after he entered, she just kept staring at him...no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop and it was all extremely strange. She took in his face first...his sharp jawline and curly dark black hair and his dark eyes.
Damn it she was doing it again!
So she looked away quickly and began tapping her foot inpatiently a nervous habit of hers she had become fond of ever since she had met Sadie. But she wasn't around anymore, she wasn't dead though...well she might be but Millie hasn't heard from her ever since that happened so she had no clue, of course she was devastated at someone so special just walking out of her life but that was a long time ago,she was gone and it didn't matter, she didn't care.
Millie looked up in hopes of spotting her food coming her way which she did, but she also caught someone's eye. It was finn...Finn wolfhard, the guy that pissed her off greatly but also the same guy that saved her the previous night. Why did they have to keep meeting ! Millie just wished she'd never see him again and they'd both get on with their lives. He must have a lot to focus on still being in school and everything and Millie had a lot to focus on herself, mainly surviving all while slowly killing and hurting herself. Her food was placed in front of her by and she flashed a fake smile to the waitress, she had to admit...he was hot but looked like a cliche fuck boy, it's easy to judge when you have been judged yourself.
Millie turned slightly and through her slightly blurred peripheral vision she saw finn still staring at her gosh...what was his problem. After he continued to stare she got up and marched over to him.
"Hey dumbass will you allow me to eat my food in peace please?"
She retorted sarcastically.
"Oh yeah yeah sorry..."
He said quickly taking his drink in hand sipping ever so slightly, he had barely touched the drink since he received it. She turned around and walked off back to her table where she sat and continued eating.
Finn got up taking his disposable cut with him leaving the store only staring back once to see the girl he had saved and found so precious yet found mysterious all at once. He suddenly had the urge to protect at all times even though he had barely known her for a week, literally only knowing her first name.
Yoo tell me in the comments your favourite ship, Mine are mileven fillie reddie and byler. Tell me what you think of this story ⁉️

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