Meeting The Parents

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We were currently parked in the driveway next to Brendon's parents' car but neither of us had moved to get out. We hadn't said a word to each other since our argument. This really wasn't helping my nerves. I felt like strangling Brendon but I figured that definitely wouldn't make a great first impression.

"Are we going to be okay?" Brendon asked, still sounding upset.

I shrugged, "I'm not going to fight in front of your parents if that is what you're asking." I replied.

"You sure don't seem happy though." Brendon said.

"Probably because I'm not. You don't either though." I said, pointing out the obvious as he had. Neither of us looked or sounded happy. Why did this all have to go so wrong?

Brendon gently took my hand as he stared at me; I wasn't looking back at him though. "I'm sorry Kacy. I got so upset with the idea of losing you. We can work it out though. We will find some way for college to work." Brendon said softly.

This is where I cave because his sweet voice is invading my head and I'm having the hardest time avoiding his gorgeous brown eyes that are burning holes in my eyelids as I attempt to look away. "It's not that being your girlfriend is a bad thing... I just want more for myself. I don't just want to settle down and work at a movie theater forever because that's the only qualification I ever had."

Brendon nodded, "I understand. I don't want to hold you back but I also don't want to lose you to some smooth talking college guy that's smarter than me and has distance in his favor."

I rolled my eyes, "Do I really seem like the type of person that would cheat out of convenience?"

Brendon shook his head, "No. I don't think you'd ever cheat. You're just too amazingly wonderful to do that to me but I worry. I don't want you to break up with me so that you can be with him."

"Him? You are aware you're just making someone up, right?" I asked, he talked like I was ready to run off with some fictional character that he had made 'better' than himself. "Plus I don't see myself being this happy with anyone else."

"Really?" Brendon asked, face lighting up.

"Really." I confirmed. "Let's go meet your parents. We can worry about college when we get back home, okay? We have a lot of different decisions and a lot of ways to make this work." I said, trying to make him feel a little more confident about the situation.

"You're right. It will be fine." He said that more to himself than to me though, "I'm so in love with you." He whispered, staring in to my eyes since I had finally gotten up the courage to stare back at him.

"As I am with you." I replied, kissing my finger then placing it to his lips. "Now let's go meet them. I need to get this over with before I start shaking from nerves."

Brendon laughed at me but nodded and we got out together, heading up to the door as I dreaded what would be said. Would I make a fool of myself? At least now I had my hand in Brendon's hand and the gentle squeeze he periodically gave me made me feel a little less nervous.


Brendon didn't knock, instead he just walked in with me trailing behind him nervously. "Mom! Dad! We are here!" Brendon yelled, reattaching his hand to mine. I found I was very grateful to have his hand to hold on to once again. When he had let go as we entered his parents house I had gotten increasingly nervous.

"Oh dear!" I heard a female say before she popped in to view. I was startled at how alike her facial features were to Brendon's. She was absolutely beautiful but in a plain sort of way. Then a man appeared and I assumed he was Brendon's dad. Brendon had his fathers eyes; I noticed that immediately.

They were such a cute couple and their house was astounding but it was all in a simple sweet way. They weren't outrageously Hollywood as I had expected. How stupid could I be? I don't know why I figured his parents would be 'Hollywood perfect'. Just because he was a famous musician didn't mean that he had started with glamorous parents. It was such a relief that they were 'normal', dare I use that term.

Brendon nudged me and I blinked in surprise, "What?" I asked, feeling stupid. Had I already zoned out?

Brendon's mother smiled at me, "I'm Grace and this is my husband Boyd." She said, pointing to the man beside her.

"Hello, I'm Kacy." I said, nervously.

"We have heard quite a lot about you." Grace said, still smiling. Did her smile ever waiver?

"You made our son work for your affection, didn't you?" Boyd asked, smiling as well. They both had such perfect smiles. I was currently still working on getting my face to reflect anything other than extreme worry as I wondered what they thought of me. "I like you." he said, complimenting me.

I stared at him in blank confusion and Brendon cleared his throat, "Dad remember, she can't remember." Brendon said softly. I was stuck on the fact that remember had been said so many times so quickly. I felt embarrassed that it had to be said; this memory loss felt like a handicap.

I nodded, "Sorry." I said, nervously.

Brendon squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Kacy you don't have to apologize. It's not your fault that you can't remember."

"Yeah dear, you shouldn't apologize. Sometimes things escape us, we're sorry." Grace said, still with that kind smile pulling her lips upward.

I found myself looking at the ground. I didn't want to talk about my memory loss. I was hoping this would be a place that I could escape it since they hadn't known me beforehand but evidently not. "It smells good in here Mom, what are you cooking?" Brendon asked, changing the subject.

"I'm making stew." She replied, smiling widely. "I hope you like stew Kacy."

I nodded, biting my lip. "It sounds delicious, thank you for having me for dinner." I said, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Of course dear. We are really happy you both made the trip." Grace said, sounding overjoyed. "Oh and you're so beautiful. You two look so perfect together." She said, gushing.

I felt my cheeks become warm as I blushed, "Thank you." I replied, unsure of how else to respond.

Brendon laughed, "She's really bad at taking compliments when she's nervous."

"I really hope you make yourself comfortable tonight." Boyd said, walking in to the living room as they all followed. Brendon pulled me with him to the couch as Boyd sat on a chair and Grace buzzed off to the kitchen, stating she had to check the stew.

"Your home is beautiful." I stated, looking around the living room as I leaned against Brendon without really being aware that I was doing so.

"Oh thank you dear!" Grace said, coming out of the kitchen. She saw us and immediately went back in to the kitchen without saying a word. Moments later I was stunned as a flash went off. Grace was taking pictures of us sitting on the couch together.

"You two just look so cute together right there!" She said, snapping away.

Brendon laughed, "Wow Mom, got a little paparazzi in you?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me.

Grace shook her head, "I have every right to take pictures of my son and the love of his life!" She stated, dramatically.

Boyd laughed and spoke to his wife, "Come on Gracie stop with the pictures. They will probably let you take a few before they leave but I'm sure they already get enough of cameras as is."

With that said Grace nodded and left the room, looking slightly disappointed. Brendon leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Would you mind if we posed for a few pictures later tonight? It would mean the world to my Mom."

I shrugged, "Sure." I replied. I really didn't mind a few snaps to make his mother happy. Who was I to stop her from making memories? At least it was someone Brendon knew instead of strangers taking pictures of us. Thankfully I hadn't had to deal with too much of that yet.


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