We Both Go Down Together

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Midnight passed with no appearance from Brendon. I'd gotten a hold of Jon, Ryan and Spencer. None of them had seen Brendon. Worry had passed and turned in to anger which faded in to sadness but as I got tired anger resurfaced and I felt myself hating him for doing this to me. He knew I'd be worried. He knew I was trying to get a hold of him.

I'd made him mad but I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve to feel like this.

I was sitting up in bed, trying to entertain myself with anything. Nothing was working. I'd gone through everything in our bedroom, making a mess of our things. Items were strewn about the room and I'd still be going through things if I hadn't gotten cold and decided to crawl under the blankets. I checked my cell phone every few seconds, hoping for a message from Brendon.

Every time my phone vibrated and it turned out to be someone else I'd get angrier.

I checked the clock again. 4 am. Where the fuck was Brendon?

I heard the door open and then shortly after there was a crash. I jumped out of bed, heading towards the noise. Was it Brendon? It had to be.

I stopped in surprise as I saw Jon and Ryan holding Brendon up. "We found him." Jon said, which was obvious.

"He... what? Is he okay?" I asked, moving out of the way as Jon and Ryan steered Brendon towards the bedroom. Brendon was stumbling along, knocking the guys in to walls.

"He's drunk. We found him at the bar." Jon stated.

"Drunk?" I asked, shocked. He had ignored me for alcohol?

All three boys disappeared in to the bedroom as I stood in the hallway, horrified. Jon reappeared, "Want us to stay over? He's a handful when he's drunk."

Ryan appeared next to him nodding, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind."

I stared at the bedroom door for a few minutes in a daze before responding. "Um, I think I'm gonna pack a bag to go to my mothers tonight." My voice broke. "If, um, if you guys could stay here with him tonight that would be great. Thank you."

I knew they were staring at me as I walked in to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me but i didn't care. I had to do this. If this was how Brendon was going to be then I couldn't stay. It hurt to be alone. It hurt to know he had lied. He wasn't out with friends, he was out drinking away his anger towards me.

Brendon was laying on the bed but he jumped up as I entered. "Kacccyyy." He said, drawling my name out.

"Yeah Brendon?" I asked, feeling my anger subside. Now I just felt numb. I didn't know how to feel.

"Come here baby." He slurred, sitting up a little.

I shook my head, fighting back tears. "I hate seeing you like this." I admitted, knowing he probably wouldn't remember a thing in the morning. Why not let him know how I feel?

"Seeing me how?" Brendon asked loudly.

"Drunk. I hate seeing you drunk Brendon. I'm worth more than this." I told him, my voice quivering.

Brendon slowly stood up, stumbling. "I'm not drunk. I'm just a little tipsy." He defended himself. "You wouldn't tell me the truth. Why couldn't you tell me the truth?"

"Are you trying to justify your actions by blaming me?" I asked, disgusted.

"Just tell me Kacy." Brendon was now standing in front of me, controlling his voice slightly. He was still swaying though. "Why couldn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to stress you out." I said, feeling small and insignificant once again. Was this really all of my fault?

"That's a god damn lie!" Brendon yelled, surprising me. "Don't lie to me." He said in a threatening tone. I had never before felt fear when it came to Brendon but he was starting to scare me now.

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