Don't Be So Scared

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That night came quickly and I found myself leaning against Brendon in the backseat of Ryan's car. We hadn't said another word about the entire argument. I was really glad Brendon didn't try to bring it up again. I was playing with the ring on my finger when Ryan pulled in to a driveway that I recognized. "Lisa is your date?" I asked, pleasantly surprised.

Ryan turned and looked at us in the back seat, nodding, "Yep. She said yes." The awkward worry of whether or not I would get along with Ryan's girlfriend faded and I happily remained against Brendon as Lisa got in to the car, giving me a quick wave before Ryan pressed his lips against hers.

Brendon smiled down at me as he wrapped his free arm around my shoulders, holding me a little tighter to him. "You look beautiful, as always." He whispered, kissing me on the top of my head.

I simply smiled, loving the feel of being loved by someone. It was one of the best feelings in the world.

As I drifted in to thought regarding love I felt another major rush to my head and as I blinked back the pain I remembered having a conversation with my mother about my father, about how love was too hard to lose- too hard to find, about how important it was. In that moment I felt another rush of love towards Brendon. Was that another memory? It had to be. I didn't know anything about my father but now I remembered my mother talking about him? Maybe I was getting somewhere! I didn't say a word though as I remained against Brendon. I was ready to enjoy tonight, no matter what I had to pretend wasn't happening in my head. I would ignore it.


"Mmm so how long have you guys been dating?" I asked as I took another bite of my chocolate frosty. We were sitting at Wendy's eating ice cream after the movie. We had watched 'Bad Teacher', it was pretty interesting but not the best movie in the world.

Lisa smiled shyly, "This counts as our first date."

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Well... You were distracted!" Lisa said, defending herself.

I laughed, "This would've been a better distraction." I told her but was cut off as Ryan leaned across the table and kissed Lisa passionately. She looked so caught off guard, yet happy about it.

Brendon turned to me and looked as if he were about to kiss me as well but I held my hand up, laughing. "Let me finish my ice cream." I said, smiling at the look of sadness that crossed his face.

"They aren't joking when they say once you ask a girl to marry you the fizz goes out of the pop." Brendon joked.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry to leave you with a fizzless pop but I don't want to kiss just because our friends decide to kiss."

Brendon nodded but slumped against his chair, kicking Ryan. "Dude stop kissing. You're making me jealous."

"Would you like me to kiss you instead?" Ryan asked, laughing at the look that crossed Lisa's face. "I'm joking!" He told her quickly.

Brendon gave Ryan puppy dog eyes, "Seriously dude? Don't tease me like that." He joked back.

"They aren't joking when they say your boyfriend waits until after he asks you to marry him to reveal that he's gay." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh well this time you're getting kissed despite your objections. I have to defend my sexuality!" Brendon joked, diving towards my face. It was the most awkward kiss of my life, even more awkward than the one we had shared in the hospital.

I heard Ryan speak, "I guess I have to defend mine as well. Get over here Lisa!" He said, and I could hear her laughing.


I could hear Brendon singing in the shower as I pulled on a t-shirt for bed. I sat on the edge of our bed and listened to his beautiful voice.

The vibrations from my phone pulled my attention away from Brendon and as I flipped open my cell phone I was caught off guard with the message displayed.

-You're still nothing more than a fame hungry slut. Next time you won't be waking up. Consider this my promise to you.-

I shivered as I stared at the number, wishing for it to be familiar. Who would send such a message?

Brendon stepped in to the room, a towel tightly wrapped around his body. "What's wrong babe?" He asked, taking in my horrified expression.

I shut my cell phone quickly, not wanting to bother him with the message. "Nothing. Just waiting for you. Hurry up. I'm sleepy." I said, yawning for effect.

Brendon smiled and dropped his towel, "I'm not really sleepy." He complained.

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