Not So Quietly Hiding My Fears From You

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Wow. That was really weird. I felt so weird, so out of place. I sat on the bed, grabbing my cell phone that had been charging on the bedside table. My finger hovered above Spencer's number. Brendon had put all of his friends numbers in my phone in case I needed to get a hold of him and his phone was dead or he had left it. In all he was really paranoid of something bad happening and him not being reachable by cell phone.

Finally I pressed the talk button and waited as Spencer's phone rang. Would he answer? I was really curious about if what had happened in my head was real. I had just remembered something, I think. But why would I have had problems with Spencer?

"Whats up?" Spencer asked, picking up finally. It felt like forever.

I walked in to the bathroom and closed that door as well just for some added privacy. "Did we use to not get along?" I asked, wanting more answers.

"Uh- well, we didn't really know each other too well." Spencer replied, caught off guard by the question.

"Did you call me dense?" I asked. That's what the memory was. I remembered Spencer being mad at me and calling me dense. It was something about Brendon. I could feel it but I didn't know much more. It was just a little flash of conversation that had left me completely confused.

Spencer was silent as he thought about it. "Oh. Yeah. I think I did once. Wow. You remembered?" He asked, sounding excited.

"That's all I remembered." I said softly. "You being angry at me and thinking me dense. Did I do something stupid?" I asked, wondering what had happened to cause him to be mad at me. Spencer had only been nice to me so far.

"We just had a stupid disagreement." Spencer said, not wanting to talk about it.

"Can you tell me about it?" I asked, really curious. It was part of my past, I wanted to know.

Spencer sighed but obliged. "You went out and were supposed to come over to Brendon's but you didn't until really really late. It stressed Brendon out so I got a little mad at you. You didn't seem to get that he would be sitting around waiting for you, stressing the entire thing so I ended up calling you dense when you couldn't seem to understand."

"Oh." I said, a little disappointed. Was I the type of girlfriend to make Brendon wait around for me like that? I know I'd be upset if he didn't show up when he was supposed to and I was left by myself stressing most of the night. "Wow. I must have been a terrible girlfriend." I whispered, getting upset with the information. Did I really want to know who I had been before my injury?

I wasn't so sure anymore.

"No, you weren't." Spencer assured me. "You and Brendon weren't even dating at that point."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked, not meaning for my words to come out so harshly. "I'm sorry Spencer." I immediately apologized. "I'm just a little scared of memories coming back. I don't want to remember being this terrible person. I mean, what if I am really a bad person and I just can't remember? Would you all keep a secret like that from me? Why would Brendon still want me?" I rushed out my words.

Spencer laughed, "Calm down Kacy. You're a great person. If you had been a bad person losing your memory wouldn't have gotten rid of that 'bad-ness'. So far you've done nothing wrong so don't think you're going to remember being awful. It was late at night when we got in to that argument. I was tired, you were tired. I had been talking to Brendon all night and it was just wrong. I shouldn't have said anything to you. From the moment Brendon met you... You were and will always be what he wants. No matter what happens that will never change for him." Spencer reassured me.

I smiled and bit my lip softly. Spencer was good at making me feel better but I didn't want to let him off the phone just yet. "When did I start dating Brendon?" I asked, realizing I hadn't asked that previously.

Silence followed my question until Spencer finally cleared his throat and spoke. "You know I actually think you should ask Brendon that. I'm sure I would explain it all wrong. It's something only he can explain." Spencer said. He sounded nervous. That's weird.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"Uh yeah." Spencer lied. "But it's okay. I'm just gonna go finish up now and I'll talk to you later." He said, hanging up before I could respond.

I sighed and looked in to the shower. It was weird having a conversation on the phone in the bathroom. Warm water would be wonderful. The idea to shower struck me suddenly. I stripped off all of my clothing and started the water. Dinner was probably done. I needed some time to think before facing Brendon though.

I walked to the full body length mirror Brendon had placed in the bathroom upon my request. I stared at my stomach, turning side ways to try and see it a little better. I squeezed at some fat areas and sighed. My body definitely wasn't perfect. Maybe I shouldn't be eating so much. When was the last time I had excersized? I couldn't remember. Wow. I was a slob. No wonder Brendon didn't want me.

I poked at the small 'problem' areas on my body and sighed in absolute frustration. I needed to start working this off. The bathroom door opened and I jumped in surprise as Brendon stared at me. "Oh shit. Sorry." He said immediately, looking away though still standing in the doorway.

I looked down at my feet. "Do you not want to look at me naked?" I asked, hurt.

"What? Yes I do!" Brendon replied, staring at me with one eyebrow raised in confusion at my question. "I would have to be crazy to not want to look at my currently naked beautiful sexy girlfriend." He said, spouting out as many compliments as he could. "I was trying to be respectful." He said, dropping the respect as his eyes took in every inch of my body.

I blushed what must have been a bright red. "Well you don't have to stare either. You can just... casually look?" I asked. Why was he acting like it was such a surprising sight? He had seen me naked before.

"Uh huh. You're nakedly standing in front of me. What do you want from me? I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm not drooling right now." He said.

I laughed at him, "You're sweet. Is dinner done?"

"Yep." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looked uncomfortable and I started towards the shower since the water was comfortably warm now.

"I'm gonna shower first but I'll be out soon." I said, stepping in to the shower.

Brendon nodded and paused, moving the curtain to the side so that he could still see me. "We started dating after we decided to start all over together." Or at least that was how he had been hoping it would've gone had memories not been lost. "I got in a fight with your... something. I'm not really sure what he was to you. You were on a date with him at the coffee shop and I got in to a fight with him." He sighed heavily, "It's hard to explain this." Spencer had texted him about the phone call though and he knew he had to come up with something.

I nodded, watching him. "Please keep trying though. I appreciate it." I said softly, wanting to hear more.

"He got arrested and well, you went home. Later that night you texted me agreeing to 'start over' which is something I had proposed. We met at the park after that. It was nice. It was beautiful outside. After that we started dating." Brendon lied, having trouble explaining the circumstances.

I looked down at my feet, the water running down them and in to the drain. "Why did you decide to be with me?" I asked. It had been bugging me. I think I had asked Brendon before but he'd brushed it aside somehow. He was good at brushing things aside, I was good at forgetting. "Out of all of the girls in the world Brendon... All of the girls that would love to be with you, What made me so special?"

Brendon laughed which made me look at him in confusion as he spoke. "You're the most amazing person Kacy and it's so cute how you think it was me with all the choices... I was more lucky to end up with you. For awhile I didn't think I'd be the guy to get the girl. You had other options, you had everything. What was I besides another guy wanting to be with you? I got lucky."

"Do you really want me with you all the time though?" I asked, worried I was too close to him. Maybe he needed his space from me. I didn't want to smother him without ever knowing I was being clingy and smothering him. "I can give you whatever space you want." I let him know, "Just tell me. I don't want to ruin our relationship."

"Space from you is definitely not something I want." Brendon assured me, "I'm going to go make some kool-aid. I'm thirsty. I'll see you in the kitchen when your'e done, okay?"

"Okay." I said, smiling. He was so wonderful.

What did I do to deserve him?

Can I Have Your Number?(Brendon Urie FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now