Chapter 2: Ben Ryker, My Annoying, Fun Role

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(Ben Ryker's POV)   

          Ah, my life goes on yet again. Well, sort of. After World War 2, I had decided to explain to my family what I was. It runs out, they knew who I was all this time! I would have never actually guessed that. I didn't have to hide from my family, and I was able to pursue a life of studies. My family let me stay in Fort Wayne, Indiana to continue to study by myself. I also pursued my magic as well. I did keep up with my sword training as well. Now, I bet most of you are wondering how I got to Canterbury? Well, I was doing some grocery shopping when I overhead two 8th graders talking about something.

"Seriously Ryan. My little sister and her friends are causing so much trouble lately!" one of the 8th graders said annoyed as he kept looking at the fruit.

"Well, John, you're her older brother! Do something about it" Ryan retorted.

I wonder who his little sister is. After I finished my grocery shopping, I went home and searched info about a school having magical issues. Normally, the public wouldn't hear about this kind of things, because magic isn't supposed to be talked about among the normal, mortal person. My family is a magic one, so I was able to gain access into the magical side of the web. It looks like there was a school having trouble with magic from a group of kids who happened to be very good friends with each other. Coinvent, but it looks like America helped me out a bit. I decided to pay a visit to the school and observe this. Well, I was very pleasantly surprised. As I entered the school, the first thing that happen to me was seeing Soren and Nina fighting against a heartless. They each wielded keyblades from their previous ancestors.

"Well, they at least know how to properly use it. Thank you, video games" I said as I walked away from them.

I needed to ask someone about these kids. I walked to the cafeteria and looked for anyone not too busy with their work. I saw a group of people sitting down and sharing a snack together.

"Hello! I am Ben. What is your school like?" I asked them politely.

The girl with long blonde hair was eating her snack, so a teenager boy answered "I'm Ryan. We are a magic school. We do learn normal school lessons, but we also learn how to control our magic. Some of us have more powerful magic than others though"

"It is getting annoying with how many issues they have caused this year alone!" a darker skinned girl added as she drank some diet coca.

Oh, so they haven't changed at all in a sense. Interesting. I looked at the group closely and smiled. So, these people are friends again too? That's very nice.

"Oh, they can't be that bad. What are they like?" I asked calmly as I tried to hide my growing smirk.

"Well, they're not bad. They just cause some problems and destroy some parts of the school" Ryan answered.

It sounds like they don't fully know how to control their powers yet. Though, I will need to be at this school. I need to make sure those kids are safe even though I won't reveal myself yet. It would probably drawl someone to the school closer. That would be problematic for everyone here. At least they can somewhat learn how to control their powers. I don't know how long they will be able to hide from their true mission. I suppose I should learn as much as I can about them. Mh. I don't know if those pesky countries will be able to help me yet with how the world is doing right now. Well, I have found out what I wanted to know. I went home and reported to my family about what I needed to do. My family was able to transfer me to the school. As I was moving my stuff into my room, I past some of the Dreamers talking to themselves about something. I just grinned at them. It looks like I will have a lot of work to do for the next few years. As I placed the last box into my room, I starred at it. The room was empty. The bed didn't have a blanket on it, the walls weren't covered, and the closets were emptied.

"Well, let's do this" I said as I prepared to unpack my belongings.

My work was just getting started.

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