Chapter 5: Ben Ryker, What a Day

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                 Despite the Dreamers having their recent rise to fame, I still have a few things to do before I reincarnate again.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This seems like more work" Ben the Ranger asked as he was carrying a box to the Palace of Light.

"Yeah. I don't have to create basses around the world and store my belongings there. Now that the Dreamers have defeated Dagger, I get to store all of our work in here" I answered as I stacked a few boxes against a wall.

"How many times have you been reincarnated?" Taigong asked as he took a few boxes in.

"At least 7 times" I answered as I looked around the old palace.

It could use a good wash and some new paint. Well, I can fix that at a later date. Right now, it is time to store up all this information until the Dreamers and other heroes need it. I just hope they won't need it too soon.

"So, after you reincarnate, what will happen?" Ienzo asked curiously.

"Well, I'll be reborn into my family again and continue my job: protecting the Dreamers and the other descendants" I answered.

"This place is fascinating! This place holds vast amounts of knowledge!" Dr. Light exclaimed as he took out a book from the shelf.

I smiled as I put some of my reports on a table.

"Just don't touch anything and please remember where everything goes" I told them as Taigong placed a box of papers near the desk.

Cia used her magic to place some books on a shelf while Owain and Ben was reading some books about the Dreamers. Yacker was sitting on a stack of boxes and slipped off one. The lid opened to revel Landon's broken compass. I looked at it solemnly.

"I'm sorry about this" Stormblades said as he looked at the broken compass.

"I know, but I can't believe he died. None of us could get to him, yet he protected the First Dreamer" I said calmly as I closed the box and put it on a shelf.

Bucky carried in my computer and placed it on the desk, but I sensed something wrong in the area. I drew my sword and looked around for a moment.

"Is something wrong?" Ben asked worriedly.

"Yeah, someone is here" I said as I walked towards the doors of the palace.

Everyone was tensed as I slowly opened the door. Someone strong pushed me out of the way and made a run towards the broken compass!

"Stop him!" I shouted as I picked myself up.

This person has a huge amount of strength. That's not humanly possible to have. In fact, he shouldn't have it. Owain and Stormblades lunged at the attacker with their swords. The attacker tapped the ground and made the earth rise between him and my two guardians. He controls the earth?! That can't be Cole or Jay!

"Knock him out of the palace! He can't damage this place!" I shouted as Bucky and Taigong ran past me.

The two of them tried to strike the attacker with their respective skills, but the attacker was able to use earth and water to protect him! This is unheard of. Dual elements don't exist. Only one person can inhabit an element. Skylor and Jesa don't count considering amber can absorb the elements for a short time. This is something else...

"Analyzing the opponent? What do you see?" Ienzo asked as he held his tome.

"Two elements. That's not possible" I answered as I looked at the attacker.

"I know. Curious. I don't recall anyone possessing these kinds of powers" Ienzo said as he looked at the attacker.

"He might be weak to magic. Cia, Ienzo! Create magic chains!" I shouted as I took a few steps back.

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