Chapter 4: Minnie, My Family

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               There was this one question bothering me since my journey began, where is my family? I haven't told any of the Dreamers, Protectors, and others about this. Ok, Logan knows, because I feel safe about talking to him about these things. Today, he was busy with his duties of being a Prince to all the Realms. I was visiting Hope's Academy for a few days to ensure Junko was consumed with darkness again. I was staying at Shiro's place for the week since he offered to help the Dreamers with as much as he could. Jodi did sense great potential in him, and I can sense it too. He's very strong and a good leader.

"So, what brings you back here?" Shiro asked warmly.

"I am trying to discover my family" I answered him.

"Oh, do you have a last name?" he asked.

I thought about it, but I used a form of Nina's family's last name. She allowed me to use it until we graduate, because I promised to find out who my family was. Well, we are almost graduating, so I have to find out who my parents are.

"I don't have that either" I answered him.

"That might be tricky. Do you know anyone who might know everyone in Japan?" Shiro asked with a knowing smirk.

Well, he was not wrong. I tapped my commlink and pulled up Japan's personal phone number. I sat on Shiro's couch nervously. I wasn't sure if I wanted the answer. Shiro sat next to me and tapped my shoulder.

"I'll stay here for you" he reassured me.

I nodded as I tapped his number. My commlink was buzzing as I starred at it.

"Hello? Minnie, how many I help you?" Japan asked politely.

"Hi Japan. I have a question for you. Can you help me find my family?" I asked him nervously.

"Oh, really? Well, just come by my office. I should be able to find something" Japan said calmly.

"Really?!" I exclaimed as Shiro jumped back a bit.

"Yes, of course. I am going to help. After all, you and your friends were helping me" Japan said with a smile, "I'll see you at my place at 12"

He hung up. I nearly dropped my commlink in shock. I couldn't believe this. I was actually going to find out something about my family.

"See? What did I tell you? You'll find something out" Shiro said as he stood up.

"I'll be heading to his house then. Thank you, Shiro. I'll see you later" I said as I bowed.

I put on my shoes and ran out of his house. I ran all the way to Japan's house in Shibuya. His house was near the noodle shops, so he could buy some noodles on his way to work. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. He didn't answer his door, so I became worried. I checked around the area. No one was looking, so I summoned Guardian's Light and unlocked the door.

"Hello? Japan?" I called out his name with concern.

Japan is always an honest man, so I don't understand this. As I entered his house, I found everything in order. Maybe I jumped to conclusions. He could be running late from a meeting or went out to get something. As I turned to leave his house, I felt darkness somewhere. It better not be Junko. I don't want to deal with this now. I went to the door, but I saw Elrena running through the streets with a panicked look on her face. What was she doing here?

"Elrena!" I shouted as I ran after her and tapped my commlink.

A blue beam crashed around Japan as I chased her. She's usually not scared. Well, when she was Larxene she wasn't scared. Maybe she acts a little different as Elrena. I didn't pair up with her during the whole Nightmare Fight, but Connor compared her to an annoying Pixie. I am not sure what that means entirely though.

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