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    The ribbons wrapped around the bouquet that Kristine was holding were starting to get drenched from the sweat of her palms. The big double doors of the church haven’t opened yet but she can barely keep herself steady. She wanted to run away and be damned, but no matter how distant she became from her parents, she can’t embarrass them in front of the people that will witness the union of the two business families.

    “Just a smile, honey,” her mother reminded her as the church’s doors opened.
    All eyes were on her as she walked down the aisle with her parents on both sides of her. She gave a smile that didn’t reach her eyes as she scanned the crowd, hoping to see anyone she could recognize. She did find her relatives occupying the rows close to the principal sponsors, but the guests were mostly their parents’ colleagues or business partners. As she looked ahead of the altar, she caught Angelo, her husband-to-be, scanning her from head to toe before flashing his boyish grin at her, still looking unbothered that his parents manipulated him into marriage. She rolled her eyes at him. Is he not a bit affected? She thought to herself.

    As her parents placed her hand onto Angelo’s, she saw her father whisper something to him but the wedding song made it hard for her to discern what her dad said.

    We entrust her to you now.

    He only answered with a nod before the both of them walked forward. And when the priest pronounced them husband and wife, he lifted up her veil and said, “Nice to meet you,” with his most annoying smile before he leaned down for a kiss.

Note from Ali C.:
Found the heart to continue. Hopefully this time, I get to finish writing this story. :)

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