chapter 1

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(sorry for being gone for forever guys}

''What a dumb bitch! she cant just do that! everybody saw it! everyone!'' i screamed to my dad from the opposite side of the door. my yelling muffled by music, which was turned up to an obnoxously loud volume, but like i cared! ''im sure it wasnt so usual em youre being a drama queen.'' how is it hes so god damn calm i was purposley humiliated in front of my whole class by a teacher who cant even figure out myspace!
"I can never show my face there again. My lifes over." Maybe i was being a little overly dramatic but im a teenager its what we do. "Emelia ... i have news for you."

Oh no my dad has news? That's never good. Ya see my dads a pretty basic guy not to much to talk about with him besides work, the coffee hut downtowns fabulous baristas brewing skills, and how much of a pain in the ass i am.

"Im expelled aren't i? Oh no! I can never show my face in public again. Its bad enough people think I'm a freak now im gonna be a zombie drawing bad mouthed freak that got kicked out of school!" I was at this point in a total freak out... obviously.

"No hunny."

" ill have to shave my head and go live with grandma in Venice beach... ill change my name to heather and... and I'll..." my dad slammed on my door "emelia! Shut it. Okay hunny you are not expelled but you will no longer be attending that school."

"Oh my god." I sighed and braced myself for my dad to tell me to pack my stuff because he's shipping me off to military school. Typical. My dad always takes the easy way out.

"I got a job transfer. Hunny were moving to Georgia with aunt Camilla!"

My heart sank to my butt. And i could only stutter a "what?"

They Changed Me (a chandler riggs/ sam elica fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now