"Caught Before I Hit The Ground, Tell Me I'm Safe, You've Got Me Now"

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"Goodbye... Tori" I instantly remembered what she said about her name, that her friends call her that. I wasn't sure whether I should use it as well but after all, she wouldn't have told me about it if she didn't want me to. It did not matter though, by the time I said it she was already by the door and probably didn't even hear it.

What a day, I thought. It couldn't have been crazier.

The beautiful, shy brunette was still on my mind while I was packing. I shoved my papers in my bag and was just about to leave but I noticed something on the ground under one of the desks. Safe to say my curiosity took over. With a strange feeling in my guts telling me I shouldn't I approached the second row desk.

It was a folded piece of paper. One of the students must have lost it, I thought. But then I realized it was the same piece of paper that Alycia gave to the girl that sat behind her. I let them get away with it during the class, now I wasn't as much understanding. I picked the note up from the floor, grabbed my bag and left the classroom.


Corridors were crowded as they usually are at any high school. I was having difficulty maneuvering through that mass of people. Reaching teachers' lounge in these circumstances might be quite an adventure, I thought. So instead I decided to leave the school ground and go grab myself a cup of hot coffee from a café located just across the street. I discovered it was there when I was checking out the area from behind the bus window.

Completely lost in my own thoughts, I was slowly walking towards the exit when someone run past me, barely dodging me. It was a familiar blonde, Alycia. I wondered why was she in such a hurry. Next period wasn't gonna start that soon, it felt strange, but I decided to let it go. It's just what teenagers do, they're being strange all the time.


Comfortably seated in a cafe, I was slowly sipping my coffee. I took my schedule out to make sure where to go once I'm back at school. I looked at the note I found laying safely at the bottom of my bag. I couldn't decide whether to read it or just throw it away. At the beginning I was curious, that's why I took it. It was probably some stupid teenage nonsense. What harm would it do if I took a glance, I thought.

I unfolded the piece of paper and when I found nothing was there, I turned it around. It simply stated...

Restroom, Rodriguez, 15 minutes

Rodriguez? I wondered... Like Victoria Rodriguez?


While I was going back to school my thoughts were racing. What could it mean? I asked myself. I definitely didn't mean to interfere in some student affairs yet I couldn't help but feel a little concerned. Maybe Alycia simply wanted to hang out with her friends..but in a restroom? Why not just meet up in a cafeteria?

Now that the next period was about to start the corridors were almost empty and I was able to get to the teachers' lounge.

"Evelyn, there you are! I wanted to ask you how you're doing so far." Anthony appeared out of nowhere before I even managed to closed the door behind me.

"Oh I'm great actually, my first period went smoothly, no complications at all so to speak." I responded truthfully.

"That's good, that's good. Well, if you ever find yourself in need of an advice, you know who to visit." He smiled at me.

"Yes, I sure do. Thank you, Anthony"

He simply nodded and left the lounge. I was still in awe because of how kind he was.

Before I headed to my next period, there was something I wanted to check. Just to ease my troubled mind. I decided to go to the girls' restroom.

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