11- 100 sleepless nights

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(A/N thank you all for over 200 reads! I didn't even think I would get 100 reads. Hope you guys are enjoying the story. I'm gonna wrap it up soon I think so its not to long.)

***Jaime's POV***

Vic seemed alright now, its been a week since he came back. He had told the three of us that he had gotten rid of all the razor blades he had and planned to stop drinking as well. Mike was the happiest about this news, he cared about Vic more than anyone thought or anyone knew. And to top it all off we didn't have anymore tour's till next year, so we had 3 months to ourselves before we went back in December.

Vic had also opened up a lot more to me, telling me everything there was to him. I felt the guilt wash over me when he told me about what we was like at high school, that I could've done something about the bulling after all I did attend the same school. Never have I felt so close to him.

Vic had a doctor's appointment today, he told me that it was just a check up and it was nothing to worry about. He wouldn't let any of use come with him either which made me slightly upset. I couldn't stand it if he was away from me for too long I would overreact and panic. But every time I would panic he would come home just before dinner as if he had a curfew.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own? I can come with you if you want, I don't mind if I do honestly"

Vic sent me a small smile and carried on getting dressed. I crossed the room so I was behind him. I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around his waist and swayed gently. He let out a sigh and put his hands over mine.

"Hime-Time I swear I will be okay, come straight back home and tell you how it went okay?"

I had my head rested on his bony shoulder and nodded to what he had just said. Vic had turned around and wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was slow but held a lot of passion, just like our first kiss I guess.

"At least let me drive you?" I pleaded breaking the kiss.

"I've already called a taxi, sorry" he gave me another sympathetic look. I let out a large sigh walked back to the bed and laying on it. I'm not sure what was bothering me so much. He leaned down and kissed me quickly and said a subtle goodbye. I gave him a small smile and mouthed the words goodbye at him. He left the apartment leaving me all alone.

I didn't want to do anything right now, I just wanted to sleep off what ever emotion I was feeling right now. I stripped myself of my trousers and top and replaced them for jogging bottoms and and a key street tank top I was given. My blanket was wrapped around my body and my arms across my chest comfortably. Fuck I couldn't stop worrying about Vic, he always let me come with him but all of a sudden he doesn't want anyone there. My eyes closed themselves as I slowly drifted off into a lightly sleep.

***Vic's POV***

I could understand why Jaime was so worried about me going to the doctor's, I haven't been myself recently. And worried about it more than he should've. I wasn't lying to him when I said I had a check up cause' I honestly did. I've lost a hell load of weight in the last month and have constant headaches, not to mention I'm easily out of breathe now.

The appointment was for another 20 minutes when I arrived at the hospital, I paid the taxi driver slightly more than what he asked for and said he could keep it as a tip. Crying babies could be heard from down the hall in the hospital, coffee would be nice right now.

"Um excuse me but is there a hospital café or something along them lines around here?" Sending a smile at the lady at the desk as I asked her.

"Yes, follow that hallway all the way down and it will be there in plain sight at the end" She smiled even brighter back at me, pointing over to the hallway she meant.

Cakes and and coffee filled the air as I came closer to the restaurant that they had. Some young woman stood behind a counter filled with cakes and sandwiches serving another visitor what looked like a Belgium Bun. I walked over to were the previous customer was and ordered myself a milky coffee with two sugar. She gave me a nod, asked for the money and told me that she wouldn't waste anymore time standing around.

The blonde haired lady returned and handed me the hot coffee and I thanked her before checking the time. 1:25 great, 5 minutes to my appointment. I walked back the way I came and sat in an empty chair until I was called in, which wasn't very long.

The doctor checked my height, weight, blood pressure all the normal things like that. He told me that I seemed healthy but I needed to eat much more as I was classed as highly underweight. I remember in high school how i always wanted to be skinny, but I never was skinny enough, not even now. I could see that I was skinny but it never really seemed enough for me. I looked ill and pale as if I've seen a ghost. My doctor told me would foods would help me gain weight faster so I looked healthier in the face and skin its self.

He took more tests to find out if inside of me was healthy as well but soon he ran even more tests before saying a couple of words to me that I will never forget.

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