19- you're the only one i need

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A/N this will hopefully be one of the last chapters if this fan fiction sorry but thank you all for reading it. Sorry its coming to a sudden(ish) end.

-a month later-

**Vic's POV**

So far the medication seems to be working or at least I think so. The doctor hasn't said much about it although I have to see him every week due to how serious my case is. These last months have been a rollercoaster of emotions but no matter what Jaime and the others have always been by my side. It makes me feel better knowing that I have them there for me but I'm scared what will happen to them when I'm gone and how will they all cope. They will probably just forget about me I'm not special anyway.

I buried my head further into the crock of my boyfriends neck and pulled him closer to me at the fear that I will lose him. Thump-thump thump. Jaime's heartbeat was always calming to me it was as if it was a song that made me forget about everything else around me. "Jaime you awake yet?" He kissed my forehead and I felt him smile into the kiss that he planted on me. I take that as a yes. "I love you Jaime, you know that right?"

"I know you do my little Mexican but just remember you will never love me like I love you okay" he drew circles on my bare back as he spoke softly. His fingers felt smooth against my skin and I couldn't help to feel at home in his arms. I nodded my head in response to indicate that I had heard what he said.  My stomach growled quietly but because there was nothing but the sound of our breath in the room it sounded louder than it actually was. "I'm on it baby" he whispered into my ear and with that he left the bed and I assume he went to cook breakfast. The man spoils me rotten but when ever I try to spoil him, he says that he's not worth it unlike me which is a total lie.

My body took in the coldness where his body did lay and the cold, fresh air hit my skin. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing for a moment. What would happen if I just stopped breathing just then? The doctor said it could happened at anytime; my lungs will just give up on me. I swung my legs over the side of our bed and stumbled sleepily into the cold titled floor bathroom. Why is everything so cold today? I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and turned the shower water on. Finally something that isn't cold. My clothes hit the floor as I closed the door and prepared to get into the gainful produced by the shower head. The water splashed against my skin as soon as I got under the shower, it felt refreshing how hot it was.

Thoughts quickly rushed into my head. What would my funeral be like? Who would come? When do I die? Will it be painful or not? Will I be alone when I die? God I hope I'm not alone when I die that's one of the things I fear the most; the first being losing Jaime. My hands helped me wash out all the remaining conditioner out of my hair, and as soon as it was all out I turned off the steaming water and wrapped a dry towel around my waist. I picked up all my clothes and chucked them into the laundry basket that was in the corner of Jaime's and my room. Fuck I need to do the washing soon I'm running out of clothes.  There was no point of looking through my draws for my clothes when Jaime's clothes were much more comfortable to wear. I grabbed some of my boyfriends clothes and slipped them on my now dry body and wondered down the stairs in search for the boyfriend himself.

As I got to the last of the stairs I quickly began to feel light headed. So instantly I tried to grasp onto anything near by to help stabilize myself and stop me from falling. But instead of staying upright my body slammed onto the floor and my eyes clenched shut. A loud thump was produced from the impact of my cold body hitting the floor. Pain surged through out my body and reluctantly my mouth opened gasping for air. I tried my best to gather the needed oxygen into my lungs but it was no use. A blanket of darkness and a ringing in my ears so took over and for once I felt as peace. As if every problem or worry I ever had was never there anymore. Peace at last

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