20- remember me?

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**Jaime's POV**

"Sir we understand your concern but please stay seated in the waiting room." I sighed and gave into the small blonde nurse that had been urging me to sit down for the last 10 minutes. I stat on the provided blue chairs and pulled out my phone, I would have to tell the boys sooner or later right? Scrolling through my contacts I tried to find Mike's number but came across Tony's instead so I dialed him, seeing that he is also more likely to pick up the phone anyway.

"Hey Jaime man what's up?"

"Vic's in the hospital Tony and I'm freaking out. What happens if he doesn't make it? I don't think I would cope. I need to tell Mike. Oh god Mike will think it's my fault I'm sorry Tony" I quickly blurted out.

"Woah, woah, woahhh Jaime calm down me and Mike will be there as soon as we can okay? And don't worry I will explain to him what's happened I swear he won't be mad. Just hang in there we will be there soon." My breathing calmed down a little and I mumbled a 'okay' into the phone before hanging up.

I sat back down in the uncomfortable chairs and nervously bounced my leg up and down. Why did this happen to Vic? Why not me? I leant my head back and looked hopelessly up at the white ceiling. My eyes closed and I silently wished to myself that this was all a dream and it wasn't happening. But I was bought back into the endless nightmare when Tony placed a hand on my shoulder asking if I was okay. Wow that was a lot faster than I though.

"Honestly I'm not okay" I mumbled out "How did you guys get here so fast anyway?" Honestly I didn't want to talk about Vic right now as rude as it may seem but it would only cause me to shake in the fear of losing him.

Mike gave me questioning face and soon spoke up "Fast? Jaime we've been stuck in traffic for the last 20 minutes and its been almost 3/4 of an hour since you called Tony?"

Fuck did I really spend that much time wishing that it was all a dream? Tony and Mike sat down beside me and Mike handed me a coffee. I thanked him and took the hot drink out of his hands and into my own.

Every time a doctor or nurse would walk past I would always hope that they would be coming up to us and telling us three that Vic was fine and it was nothing to worry about, but no. It wasn't until almost 2 hours later until we got any news about Vic. The nurse that came up to us had explained that Vic was in critical condition right now and needed plenty of rest to allow the prescribed drugs to kick in.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I was told this news. It was like had stabbed me in the back and I couldn't do anything but sit there and cry. Cry out everything I had ever felt towards Vic. I couldn't lose him, Mike couldn't lose him nor Tony.

Mike took me home not long after we received the news and Tony insisted that he would stay just in case they had any news about Vic. My cheeks were stained with tears and my throat was dry from my desperate cries to see Vic, which were rudely declined by doctors.

As soon as we arrived at my house I bid my farewells to Mike and gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey Jaime? Take it easy big guy I'm just as worried about him but try and get some sleep huh?" I gave him a small nod in return as I couldn't manage to say anything. He returned with a sympathetic smile and drove off leaving me to my own thoughts and demons.

I didn't get any sleep that night, how could I? The one I loved so much wasn't in my arms but instead was all alone of a hospital bed dying.

(A/N I'm super sorry that 1)this is a badly written chapter 2)its super short 3)its rushed and 4)I haven't uploaded in a while. But thank you all for 1k reads I never thought I would get that many. Thank you all)

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